Ancient Babylonians/Incas Saw the Same Stars; Controlled by Different Gods
Ancient Babylonians meticulously recorded movements of planets and stars before telescopes. They interpreted what they saw as their god moving them around. They did not need a telescope to know their god was real.
During another ancient time, wise and prominent Incas and Aztecs stayed up all night watching the same stars and planets. They know for certain a god was guiding them and communicating to them personally a message. Perhaps the message was, "I'm making too much rain (or not enough) because I'm angry with you."
The Babylonians and Incas were watching the same stars but the gods guiding the stars were entirely different. In fact, neither god had heard of the other. If they had not met or knew the other god even existed how did they come to agreement on where to move? And, were these gods angry or pleased at the same things?
Of course, the ordinary Christian believes about the Inca god the same thing the Babylonian would have thought about the Inca god if the Babylonian even knew about him. The Christian and the Babylonian would agree the Inca god is fake. I need not go on about this and remind the reader the ordinary Inca would have thought the Babylonian and Christian gods were fake.
What happened to these gods when the Babylonians, Incas and Aztecs died away? Of course, their gods died at the same time.
I'd predict all the gods of the past and the Christian God of the present had one thing in common, they told humans that humans are very important. The Christian God even tells humans he loves them when he is not killing them.
While some native peoples of the Americas know their god to be on or in the earth, the star gazing societies understandably thought theirs was and still is in the sky. As science learns more and more about the skies and see no God there, maybe believers will be less interested in the stars and more interested to the earth's health. If God has relocated there we need to clean up the water and soil.
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