Why Do Christians Fall for Bad Leaders and Bad Ideas
Sure, people of all strips fall for bad ideas and bad leaders. What separates Christians is their insistence they are guided by an all-knowing power. Others who fall for bad leaders do not make that claim.
It's understandable conservative Christians do not want children to be taught critical thinking skills. They are happy to have critical analysis applied to Shakespeare but not to the Bible. They can be skeptical of what a used car salesperson tells them but not what a clergy tells them.
The Bible and the Christian propaganda that has followed for at least the last century has had one central theme; men are in charge. Any challenge to this theme is to not adhere to the faith. Just now there is a big gathering of Catholics in Germany. It is called a Synod. The term synod is used a lot in the faith, usually to put the heavy stamp of authority on a gathering. Those critical of the German synod know it is stacked to use the Bible to endorse gays in the church and perhaps gay clergy. They are outraged the propaganda technique used by clergy to promote their own self-interest, the synod, is now being used to promote some other interest.
Christians would serve their faith well by applying critical thinking to preachers/priests and all others who talk up the faith. They should not stop there. Applying critical thinking to the Bible itself would bring a helpful perspective. What harm could come to facing this fact: The Bible was written by the wealthiest one percent of that time. If, for example, the wealthiest one percent of men wanted several wives and slaves, might we see the endorsed in places in the Bible? If the one percent today look mostly out for their own interests why would those of ancient times be different?
Christians who fall for bad leaders do not look at them critically. We have to remember anyone can claim to be an expert at what the Bible means. Anyone can claim God spoke to them or is a "prophet." Anyone can claim they know what is and is not a sin. The entire Christain faith was put behind an eight ball when it used the Bible as a source of its "truth." Critical thinking removes the facade and exposes the weaknesses of the faith.
Bad leaders show up when followers are not skeptical.
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