The John Frum Religion in the South Pacific
Mostly after World War II a new religion developed in the islands of the South Pacific. Christian missionaries had been there preaching about sin but the islanders never really took to it.
When soldiers arrived they passed out candy and gifts and slept in huts like the natives. They were all round friendly people the islanders decided they liked better than the dull missionaries. The gifts and wealth that came with the soldiers seemed unworldly. When they left the belief was they would return with their wealth some day.
Some locals saw a mythical white man who told them he would bring the wealth back to the islands. His name was John Frum. There is no record of such a person and those who say and heard him experienced it during the ritual drinking time. None of John's followers doubt, however, he did appear and will return. He now lives inside a volcano on the island.
There are worship services with John Frum music. The mystery that surrounds John Frum adds to the appeal. Parts of their rituals include a U.S. flag and a Bible. Followers say they are both Christian and Frum. Some factions of the John Frum faith have split off over various details about his appearance and what will accompany his return.
Skeptics should acknowledge John Frum believers has all the characteristics of more mainline religions. The deity is not present but is said to have been there in human form. There is a promise the deity will return and when he does things will be better as promised. Of course, the deity is male.
The John Frum religion is not the only one based on military occupation. It and similar ones are referred to in the white world as "cargo cults." That is based on cargo hauled in for the war effort and the cult of a deity.
John Frum is a teachable moment. We can see that when a culture is ripe for a certain mythological message it will do well. Christianity came along when a segment of the public was ready for a change. A dictator accepted it and it was Katie Bar the Door. Out there somewhere awaits another John Frum or Jesus ready to be an invisible but very real persona giving pleasure to those who want to believe.
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