Sexual Abuse Charges Against Clergy Continue, Maybe are Increasing
A former police officer who prosecuted sexual abuse has been following cases against clergy. He thinks they are on the rise. This implies there is an increase in sexual abuse by clergy. It may be, of course, the amount remains constant and more cases are being prosecuted and publicized.
The link author's observation there are more cases is consistent with what I see in the publication of Freedom From Religion Foundation, Freethought Today. FFRF is the largest atheist organization in the U.S. with annual revenue of $5 million. Freethought Today compiles only reports that appear in news publications. It is published six times a year and devotes several pages of small print to misdeeds of clergy including both sexual and theft. The volume seems to be slowly rising.
In the last issue, there were several new cases involving Catholic clergy. While Catholic cases continue, we can hope the former practice of shifting known abusers from parish to parish is not as common.
The link author, who is male, laments the common practice in Christianity of blaming the victim. We know this is done outside the faith as well. But that it is the common defense of clergy is alarming to him. His faith persuades him clergy should be honest, admit their shortcomings, not abuse in the first place only to abuse again by blaming the victim when facing charges.
I realize everyone, including clergy, can be victims of lies by women and others and deserve the best defense available in court. The central problem is in Christianity itself. The faith allows myths to be repeated as facts. This opens the door to preachers and priests who sell these myths to be put, or put themselves, on a pedestal of importance. The door for abuse is opened.
I was pleased to read a while back that Jay Bakker, preacher and son of Jim and Tammy Fae, said he remains acutely aware that being a preacher is to have the opportunity to play with people's minds. If only everyone in society knew preachers/priests are in business for the very purpose of playing with people's emotions maybe there would be more caution about both the faith and its clergy.
Denominations and non-affiliated churches could reduce abuse by changing their beliefs. First, all discrimination against women holding clergy positions should be eliminated. Second, the notion clergy have some special status or insight into Biblical mythology should also go. It seems to me these steps would cut back on the notion clergy have a license to abuse women.
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