Once in a While Someone Cares About Real Lives
For years I have ridiculed anti-abortion zealots for their cold indifference to loss of life other than fetuses. They have no interest whatsoever in adults that die needlessly. Oh, they say they do, but the only money and effort they put forth is for fetuses. The number of preventable deaths to actual humans in the U.S. rivals deaths of fetuses.
Ways to save lives goes in and out of style. The category of lives saved is influenced by two things, money and votes. Right now there are money and votes to save lives of fetuses. There is neither for many ways lives are lost needlessly elsewhere.
It was encouraging to read a about this in a nationally known publication. It is entitled "Stop calling them accidents." This title fits perfectly the comments I receive whenever I write about needless loss of life. Some readers scoff and say the 30,000 lives lost every year in car crashes are "accidents." As the article says, "There are no accidents." If life were "precious" or "valuable," nearly all of these 30,000 lives would be saved. But there are not votes nor money in preventing this slaughter on roads. Safe practices on roads along with money spent on enforcement would eliminate almost all of these deaths. You don't see anti abortion zealots advocate doing something about it.
Highway deaths come into play with the anti abortion laws being passed in some states. Women will have to drive to other states to get abortions. A few will die doing that. Anti abortion zealots will shake their fingers, "Those women should not have had that sinful sex."
Our medical system is so dangerous it ranks at the bottom of so called advanced nations. To decrease early deaths we need only have people's health monitored from childhood to late life. Other countries do this and the cost of their medical care is less than ours. Conservatives do not care about lives lost, only about the success of their politics.
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