Why Doesn't God Stop the Earth's Inner Core Cooling
God needs to do something. We've discussed here before the shelf life of the sun. That is the sun will one day use up its gases and explode. So far God has not done anything about this. Of course, if God only exists in the minds of humans then when humans are gone God will no longer exist. On the other hand, right now is the opportunity for God to show us he is sovereign--that he exists somewhere else besides in the brains of individual humans. He could show us his existence by halting the sun's deterioration and save those he "loves." That said, he killed to many humans in Bible stories it may be he hates humans. That he has not done anything to stop the sun from deteriorating makes it look like he will do us in and cheer about it.
Now we have another thing to pray about. We humans can only survive if the earth's temperatures are within a livable range. The temperature of the earth depends on both the sun its hot inner core. God needs to do something right now to stop this hot inner core from cooling. When the earth becomes like Mars we are done for. If there are no human brains to create gods there will be no gods. Those who pray should tell God now is a great opportunity to prove he is more than a thought in the brain.
One explanation Christians might give for the lack of help from God is sin. Maybe God is allowing or causing the sun to be used up and the earth's core to cool because humans are sinning. To correct this brings up the problem of what is sin. When I was growing up in a rural and pious community there was a list of sins as long as your arm. Several things there that were sins are no longer sins. Thus, we need some definitive information as to the REAL sins so we could then avoid them and see this potential end of earth halted. I'm guessing sins will just continue and each of us will point the figure at the other claiming everyone but me is a sinner.
Then, there is the problem of which god is the real one in charge of saving the earth forever. Homer Simpson said he would not go to church because it might be the wrong god and the real one would be mad at him. A mad god would let the earth parish.
People are always claiming God cured their cancer or answered their prayers. I suspect nearly all prayers are for personal gain. I urge Christians to pray God stops the deterioration that will one day end human beings on earth. Only believers can do this.
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