From Some Catholic Intellectuals: It's Time to End Democracy
Methodist professor and columnist Mark Tooley discussed recently a group of Catholic "intellectuals" (I put that in quotes because I follow one or two of them and they don't think very deeply about anything) who observe the sinful nature of U.S. society and have concluded the problem is democracy. People vote into office individuals who do not follow the wise and Godly principles of Catholic theology.
The term used for this body of thought is integralism. Its advocates conclude the U.S. democracy was doomed from the start because it did not require the tenets of Catholic teaching which God intended for the nation. As a result the moral fabric is declining and needs to be reset on the correct path.
It goes without saying these Catholics have fellow travelers among conservative Protestants. To both groups the sooner we stop elections, free speech and freedom of religion the sooner our nation can be saved from moral peril.
The link lists a large group of advocates for this view. It is a little disconcerting to think all could believe in such garbage.
In reading about this, appreciation comes to mind for the Constitution and its authors in the 1700's. While not connected to other societies and continents as we are today, they understood the human mind. They knew if very religious people are given an inch they take a mile. They wanted all the religious zealots to fight among themselves with none endorsed by the nation's government.
Tooley points to an irony in the Catholic group's cause. Their purpose is to put in place a non-elected Catholic government. They believed this was a divine intent. As Tooley points out, the founding fathers had little use for Catholics. Some had traveled to Europe and circulated among Catholics. While friendly with them they concluded the Catholic faith was both foreign and strange. Their civic religion, were there one, revolved around the Protestant concept to the common good.
There was no desire to make any special room for Catholicism in the U.S.
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