Women Have Moved Up in the Southern Baptists Only to have Been Pushed Down
The Southern Baptist Convention hard to understand for outsiders. It is not a denomination in the same sense as Catholics, Lutherans, etc., with a governing body and bureaucratic structure underneath. It is, as the name states, a long running convention of affiliated churches. At the annual actual convention resolutions and policies as well as leaders are voted on. When different waves of people show up votes can be different and the entire denomination goes in new directions.
For years this Convention approved women going to seminary and some were approved as clergy. Then there was a palace cue where large numbers of conservatives showed up and passed a series of bills putting women down. About 30% of seminary students were women who were expecting to serve in Southern Baptist churches. Most of them packed up and left. Some, however, graduated. The link is review of interview with about three dozen such women. They went on to be successful preachers in other denominations, college professor and public personalities. The Southern Baptist convention, on the other hand, continues to hemorrhage members. It has fallen 10% a year for several years.
Albert Mohler was one of the ring leaders in the conservative quo, he took over as President of a prominent Southern Baptist seminary. He is a national figure writing in various publications about his backward views on women, gays and whatever else. My impression is the sexual abuse charges that have rocked the Southern Baptist Convention have reduced Mohler's standing because he supported prominent men who were charged.
There are a few former Southern Baptist women who developed businesses of books, lecturers and conferences. They were thriving and no doubt helped Southern Baptists. They have left the denomination. They do not see opportunity to be leaders except in other denominations or without any. I'm sure there are still women who think Southern Baptists will treat them well.
My comments lite up the other day when I wrote about how trans and gay people have developed their own way interpreting what Christianity is all about. There are some women who do the same. That is necessary when conservatives make up a religion to fit their own ends.
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