When Will Some Christians Learn to Button it Up

Yet another of these cases has shown up where some nit wit public school teacher or administrator thinks children under their control must stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These are cases where a student objects to "under God" in the pledge and a teacher punishes the student. Atheists' attorneys seem to be making a living collecting money from school districts who are forced by judges to pay the legal for students who protect of their rights to freedom of religion. Any child can read the Constitution. Why can't their teachers and administrators?

As many know, the phrase "under God" was not in the original version but was inserted during the anti-communist period after World War II. Communism has no Christianity, bad. The U.S. has Christianity, good. 

Of course, putting "God" into the pledge was done to get votes. Now that organized Christianity is falling out of favor in the West and Putin talks up religion for his own political benefit the political tables have turned. Maybe "under God" is more popular in Communism than in Capitalism.

It's fun to speculate as to how the phrase "under God" could be modified to accommodate today's diversity of religious views. Would we rewrite the Pledge to say "under God in some religions, other gods in other religions and under no god or gods for those with no religion?" Maybe I have overlooked some aspect of inclusion and need others to edit my edit. 

Or, the current pledge could read, "..one nation, with freedom of or from religion...." I like that better. 

Of course, the Pledge probably will never be changed. And that will work ok if it is not required by any public body and slowly becomes a relic of history. That's the way public schools should treat is now. Yes, there will be parents who insist they want it in their school. The school boards and administrators need to point out there are, or probably are, children in their district who are not Christian. Non-Christian parents pay taxes and difference should be given them as well as Christians. The best way to do this, Christian parents could be told, is to teach Christianity at home. 

There continue to be teachers and administrators, even school board members. who want to push Christianity onto taxpayers who do not want it. As long as this is reality, school districts will pay the legal fees of students who take them to court.


  1. That looks almost like my grade school days, except the stove was in the front-left corner. And the "under God" was a later addition. When it was added, I thought it was a rather clumsy insertion. It just didn't flow. No prayers, no amens. Letting a strong silent fart was funny though.

  2. If you want to pledge allegiance to the USA, say the pledge. If you don't want to pledge allegiance to the USA, don't say the pledge.

    Sing the National Anthem or remain silent. But don't disrespect others by kneeling in defiance, sitting down, or fiddling with your phone. Don't pretend there is more than one National Anthem.

    People can be compelled to say things in the USA or be held in contempt. One can be incarcerated if found to be in contempt.

    Lying is not a form of free speech.

    The USA was founded as a religious country. It was founded as a Christian country with free expression of any religious denomination or no religious belief. It was openly hostile to certain Christian sects such as Catholicism.

    If a person wants to omit "Under God" or "For liberty and justice for all" when they recite the pledge, so be it. They simply will not be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance but some variant of their own creation.

    If Roe is overturned and certain States make abortion illegal, one does not have a freedom of speech right to have an abortion. Nor does one have a freedom of religion to have an abortion.

  3. Matt-- "Don't disrespect others by kneeling in defiance, sitting down or fiddling with your phone."

    Spoken like a true control freak. It doesn't occur to you the pledge or the Anthem is disrespectful to others in the crowd. If there is a football game, play football. If there is a public meeting, get on it. Forget the political and religious stuff and making it known which group dominates everyone else in the room.

    1. And, the military marches in order, Congress has rules on how to debate, introduce bills, Ph. D. programs have requirements, but you think standing in respect for OUR national anthem in our country is nonsense. People's feelings are hurt all over in society, mostly because they are so fragile and selfish that they choose to be hurt. A true American has pride in the country while realizing we are always on a plan of self-improvement.

      If you attend a football game and are offended by advertising, the selling of merchandise, food courts, etc. then you should probably stay home. I have never been to a sporting event where the game was the only thing going on. Personally, I like the anthem, a prayer, some music and some food. Most people are like me.

      You can start an atheist football league, an atheist orchestra, etc. You can attend a public meeting and be offended by the US flag, the State flag, photos or portraits of past members of some branch of our government.

      Your tribe running the US House wants to destroy any opposition to their agenda. We all know the routine.

      I'm happy you are offended by the National Anthem, by a US flag, by an invocation and anything else that is in contradiction to your ultra-liberal, atheist, communist way of thinking and living. It warms my heart.

  4. A Pledge of Allegiance is a great idea at any gathering, so long as it is to the USA and not some ultra-liberal idea like BLM, Antifa, Iran, Iraq, Russia, North Korea or China. After all, we are Americans and even SOME democrats are not offended by our flag, our pledge or our anthem.

    I'm reminded of the Statler Brothers song, "Don't Wait on Me." It's a list of things that will never happen, just like the singer coming home to an unwelcome old girlfriend. A few of the 'never happen' things have actually happened. But the only place where the flag is disrespected is at Democrat functions and by Democrats.

    Wrigley Field has been lit for a few decades but it lasted several decades with no night games. There as probably been a few wartime sailors who didn't get tattoos.


    When the sun wakes up in the west, and lays it's head down in the east
    When they ordain Madlyn O'Hare and she becomes a priest
    When a San Diego sailor, comes home with no tatto
    When the lights go on at Wrigley Field , I'll be comin' home to you

    But don't wait on me (little darlin'), Lord can't you see (little darlin')
    I only go (no farther), No guarantee
    Don't wait on me (And when you), That's somethin' I (Just can't do)
    Never have and don't (Intend to), Don't wait on me

    When the wind don't blow in Chicago, and L.A. is cold and clear
    When they unfurl Old Glory, and no one stands to cheer
    When my brother in law phones me, and the charges aren't reversed
    When the cabbie don't want a bigger tip, I'll be slidin' home from first

    So don't wait on me (little darlin'), Lord can't you see (little darlin')
    I only go (no farther), No guarantee
    Don't wait on me (And when you), That's somethin' I (Just can't do)
    Never have and don't (Intend to), Don't wait on me

    When you load up on a long shot, and you win by half a nose
    When the Fourth of July parade, is called because it snows
    When the waiting room is empty, and the Doc says, "come right in"
    When Christmas comes before New Years, I'll be commin' home again


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