The President and We Ourselves Can Do a Lot of Things to Keep Abortion Available
I was not aware of all the powers a President has to keep abortions of various kinds available. This President has done some gutsy things. I'm hoping he does a few more giving women their rights.
The most radical in the list would be to set up clinics that provide abortions on Federal property. There are various categories of these properties and some are out of reach to state governments. I doubt this would happen.
The most logical, and I think most supported by the public, would be to enforce the free flow of interstate commerce. That anti women governors and legislators will try to stop abortion pills from arriving by mail is a given. That the principle of interstate commerce is part of our nation's history is also a given.
The link points out other things the Federal Government could do mostly through executive orders. I could strengthen telemedicine. With the ubiquitous cell phone, options for telemedicine have become available that were not just a few years ago. It can refuse to prosecute when laws are unconstitutional. There can be no doubt informal networks will develop to make abortion medicine available.
My prediction is, however, the force for abortion rights is so strong it will push aside obstacles and prevail. Today I got a mailing from a group I send money to, the Network of Abortion Funds. It collects money from the public and gives it to local groups and clinics to pay for abortions and to pay for transportation. It started about five years ago with under a million dollars. Today it crossed the ten million mark. Donations are growing rapidly so it is hard to know how far it can go to finance abortions. One has to remember most anti abortion people are church people with an obligation the give there. Most abortion rights people are not religious and have at least a little more to fund access to abortion.
President Biden has shown he has a least some appetite for aggressive battles. Private groups, like Netword for Abortion Funds, have no reluctance for battle and may eventually be better funded than the government itself.
Finding ways for women in zero-abortion states to have abortions will be one of the most exciting things to watch in the next few years.
The “right to strifers” will claim that anything the size of a strawberry is a child. They do not talk to women experiencing abusive partner or health or severe economic issues. They think that abortion is the easy way out, but it is not. Women requesting an abortion have already decided what their best option is. The best way to reduce abortion is to increase the knowledge of, and access to, birth control.
ReplyDeleteGrandma-- "...have already decided what their best option is."
ReplyDeleteJust like many slaves decided the best option was the underground railroad. The slave holders thought they themselves were smarter than the slaves. It turned out to be the opposite.
And, those who wanted illegal whiskey during prohibition. All the money and personnel at the local, state and federal level could not stop it. We're going to learn women whose only option is abortion are going to get abortions.