Priest in Illinois Has a Cow Over Satanic Display in the State Capitiol

A priest in Illinois likes it a Jesus-birth display is in the State Capitol. He wants the display of another religion, Satanism, removed. What kind of education does this fellow have?

In the past few years there has been a national effort to display the manager scene in every state capitol in the U.S. The material for the scenes is sent to someone each state who has agreed to make an arrangement in his/her statehouse to set up the display. Perhaps this manager scene has been displayed in all or most state capitol buildings.

Shortly after the manager scene project started, however, atheist groups began their own version of the display. The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent out a mockup of the manager scene, but it was a secular message poking a little fun at the manager scene. Then a Satanist group decided to get in on the fun and provided its image of Satan. Freethinkers had another. Now there are so many secular displays and the reserving space is done so early sometimes the manager scene cannot find a space.

This brings us back to the priest in Illinois. He finds it offensive an image of Satan is allowed to be displayed in the capital. That others find the manager scene offensive does not count in his reasoning.

The entire saga of using state capitols to sell a religion is exactly the same as the National Anthem before athletic events. Pious patriots want to market their religious version of the country. When players refuse to stand during the anthem the patriots get all huffy. They don't recognize they have handed an opportunity to their political enemy. Better they take away the opportunity than try to stop others from receiving the same opening they themselves created. In the case of manger scenes, they persuaded legislators to allow spaces in the capitols to sell their religion. They handed over the keys to Satanists and any other group who wants to market itself in state capitols.

As to the priest in Illinois, one can agree there is no reason to allow Satanists to sell their religion in the State Capitol building. There also is no reason for Christians to sell theirs either.


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