Mormon Numbers Seem to be Declining
For years during the decline in Christian denominational numbers Mormon officials scoffed at the rest of Christianity. The narrative was, "Mormons are the only true Christians. God continues to reward us by increasing the number of Mormons."
The hierarchy was happy to release detailed membership numbers from each country around the world during this period of growth. When the numbers started to flatten out they were no longer published. The link makes the projection actual numbers of Mormons has fallen in the last two or three years.
That the Mormon church manipulates its numbers for propaganda purposes should be a lesson for all who follow management in the Christian faith. I wrote recently about how the numbers of Christians in China are bumped upwards according to more reliable sources. Higher numbers, the theory is, will bring in more donations. Who wants to donate to a hopeless cause?
The Mormon business model is audacious to say the least. Young people are persuaded it is in their interest, stated in religious terms of course, to give up a substantial portion of their lives to bringing in revenue to the church. Of course, it is stated as members or converts not money. Think of the good these young people could do it they raised food for low-income people and gave it away. Or, with a little training they could give physicals or first aid in dirt-poor countries. Giving away time to help the poor would compete with adding to the billions of dollars already amassed by the Mormon church in Utah. It doesn't fit the business model.
Mormons have given some hope to gay members that it will become more accepting of them. I rather doubt much will change when the church is still run by elderly white men and its treasury is running over with gold. Perhaps the leadership thinks like much of the rest of Christianity that women and gays eventually will learn their proper place and start to behave.
The last chapter of history is never written so we cannot predict the future of Mormonism. If the rest of Christianity continues to slide one would think Mormonism face declining numbers also.
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