Many Christians Get Confused About Truth

Recently a very successful TV and mega church preacher who had railed against Covid vaccinations died of Covid. The organizations who carried his sermons and collected money from his fans are now silent about vaccinations. 

I'm not aware of any atheist organization or cause where followers fork over billions of dollars to some bogus belief. Christianity, however, is full of them. One has to wonder why so many Christians are unable to smell dishonesty or see the longer-term consequences of foolish beliefs and behaviors.

Readers may remember the conservative Christian view of homosexual people was gay people are child molesters. Plus, gay people are preoccupied with turning heterosexuals into homosexuals. In the several years since gay people have been more accepted than decades ago these old phony notions have all but disappeared. Liberal people did not, for the most part, hold these views. Both local and national celebrity preachers prospered by demonizing gay people. Those in the pews were clueless and forked over money as ordered. 

Slavery and later segregation had religion at their core. Preachers prospered, those in the pews did not.

Today a large portion of the Christian community has been told Biden's election was stolen from Trump. This information comes from the most biased source in the entire country, Trump himself. Trump is not satisfied having followers who agree with his non truth the election was fraudulent. He has added insult to injury by demanding followers send money to help him overthrow election results. And, followers have done as they were told, sent in hundreds of millions of dollars. 

Conservative Christians are being taken again on abortion. By not thinking critically they have allowed themselves to believe a fertilized cell is a human being. Huge sums of money have been bilked from people unable to understand they are being taken advantage of. 

Those Christians who remain confused about the truth hurt themselves and others.


  1. And our maternal mortality rate is the highest in the industrialized world.

  2. "iall gets my teeth at the Walmart". Did a Google images. Same plastic Cheshire cat smile on each "down here in River City. "


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