How to Make a Teen Book With "Objectional Material" More Popular? Ban It.

The State of Iowa has been inundated with school board meetings demanded by angry parents. They are angry about books in public school libraries. The books discuss homosexuality and trans sex. Fortunately, parents and teens themselves put up resistance to the obsessed angry parents.

It was delightful to read a school librarian's observation that, ".. banned books become more popular." This has been true since the beginning of books. Human nature is what it is.

I recall an impassioned talk a porn bookstore in downtown Fargo. A born-again City Commissioner had learned of a national effort to zone porn out of busy areas of cities and allow them only in industrially zoned areas. He persuaded our governing body to pass such an ordinance. The existing porn store was grandfathered in but any new place had to be in industrial areas. 

This new "strategy" of pushing porn stores into areas less visible has been a marketing bonanza to porn stores. Now, "Mr. Community Leader" can visit the porn sites without people seeing him get in and out of his car or noting his license plate as they walk by. I see these porn stores everywhere along the interstate in the former "Stuckey's" buildings. They have big signs with 40,000 cars driving by every day. Social and religious conservatives are brain dead when trying to stamp out what they do not like.

At one of the meetings a teenager spoke of the help she received from a fictional work about a teenager who had gay parents. The teen said she had never encountered anyone with her experience, and it helped. A parent who had spoken in favor of banning the book got up and walked out. The reporter followed her and asked why she left. "I don't need to hear anyone talk up sin," she said.

I looked at a site which compiles books that have been banned now or in the past. It includes books that are now approved everywhere. There are over 100 titles and probably there are others that were banned in some local communities. Two books by the famous contemporary author, Toni Morrison, (died recently) are popular books to ban. Her books have some sexual content but are much about the black female experience. Perhaps it is the latter that is most threatening to white male school board members.

A letter to the editor in this morning's paper here pointed out the fact that nearly every kid today has a phone. The phone can find porn and every book that has been banned. 

But wait, the book banners don't know that so let's not tell them.    


  1. Communists like you banned the Bible and suppressed/oppressed religion in places like China for decades. It only helped to grow faith.

    Porn is known to cause emotional and psychological problems. Why anyone would applaud things which damage and destroy with no beneficial effect is beyond any reason.


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