Blame for Falling Christian Numbers is in the Bible

The problem of falling numbers in the Abrahamitic religions goes back to when the Bible was written. Different stories and myths that did not mesh with each other were cobbled together. The ground was laid for permanent hatred that exists yet to this day.

The issue today is who is responsible for a decline of Christians in the Middle East? One could posit several answers. It might be Christians should have long ago left or adopted the ruling state religion, Islam. Another is they are declining because of vicious attacks from Muslims and Hindus. One pitched recently by the Archbishop of Canterberry is the Jews are to blame. He said the Zionists are crowding out other settlers including Christians.

We all know the tall tale in the Bible about Jews shouting to Pilat he should kill Jesus. The story was made to sound as if the Jews killed Jesus. I would guess millions of Christians take this story literally and hate today's Jews because of it. That there is no evidence such a thing ever happened does not wipe the slate clean. Jews are still guilty. 

That said, there has to be a villain in the declining number of Christians. If there is not a villain handy, make one up.

Other figure pointing goes on on conservative Protestant sites. Sine preachers make statement that if only others would be more dogmatic and conservative waves of people would turn to the faith. They can be nothing but wrong.

The only winners in these intramural wars are those of us on the outside. 


  1. Er. "Falling Christian numbers" is fore told in the Bible.

  2. If you examine the Bible in relation to the reason for the "falling Christian numbers", one should actually study what the Bible says on the subject. 2 Thess. 2;1-3------1Tim4;1-4, -----Mat 24;10-13.
    I'll let you figure out the context. You just may be an instrument in the fulfillment of the eschatology.

  3. helper--I read those passages. They are the musings that came from the minds of wealthy ancient goat herders. If the writing came from some sovereign source, humans across the globe would have gotten the word also. Instead, their minds told them of entirely different gods.

    Now I'm understanding (perhaps) your previous posts that saw sin galloping across society. This is because the faith is fading and, as the Bible says, people leaving the faith yields sin and we are in the last days.

    I see this as an old saw. Preachers since way back have said sin is rampant and we are in our last days. The only thing different today is fewer preachers and fewer butts in the seats. If the trend continues, no preachers and no butts. The "great" words of the Bible are slowly disappearing in the drifting sands of time.

  4. Jon; Your response is also a fulfillment, and predictable . All is well. Thank you


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