Perhaps it is Impossible to be More Ignorant of Afghanistan Than Bush, Rumsfeld and Chaney

The long story of the U.S. in Afghanistan is being wisely brought to a close by President Biden. He is the only President in a couple of decades who saw clearly what to do about that country, cut our loses and get out. There are people who understand a lot about Afghanistan. Rumsfeld and Bush charged in without consulting them.

Bush thought some kind of revenge action was needed after 9/11. He could have resolved to ramp up our defenses and airline safety. Instead his instincts were to extract revenge.

But extract it from who? The Afghan people had nothing to do with 9/11. Why should be start invading and drone targeting families who had been told to target by lying informants over there? Rumsfeld thought the country would reorganize itself and carry on as soon as we slaughtered Bin Laden and company.

As the link points out, various religious and ethnic differences have been present since almost forever. It is so mountainous some tribes barely leave their area.  Information and the history of the country was available to Bush and company before the decision to go in. Practical information about the inability of the country to have a functioning national government was there for the taking.

Reports are the country is now about to fall into complete chaos. The ability to do banking, provide food and utilities is almost not present. The current leaders know how to organize and run a local community with homogeneous religious beliefs. One that includes both a large urban population and international commerce is something altogether different. 

Just when the country was nearly under US military rule and locals could be trained to carry out law enforcement and the duties of civilian government, Bush and company called away troops to invade Iraq. It was mistake one followed by mistake two. Yes, there were both Democrats and Republicans who voted to support both efforts. But it was at the advice of the Executive Branch, Bush and company. 

Individual people in academics such as history and the social sciences cannot be relied upon always. Various points of view and advice are needed. But ignoring the entire spectrum of this knowledge is folly. 

My pulling the plug on Afghanistan Biden has signaled he is listening to a wide variety of views and deciding things based on deep experience. I recall a story back when Biden was Vice President. He arrived at a lunch with President Karzai. Biden began by saying he wanted to discuss what Karzai was doing about corruption. Karzai replied there was no corruption. Biden, knowing Karzai's brother was deeply involved in it, said, "This lunch is over" and left. 

It's time to leave behind the folly of Bush, Rumsfeld and Chaney.  


  1. During the evacuation from Afghanistan, there was constant criticism thrown towards Biden for screwing it all up, but the question that needs to be asked is: In comparison to what?

    Biden's only real mistake was tipping his hand too early, which gave the Taliban maybe a 2-3 week head start. But the entire issue here is that the longer this would have taken, the more casualties there were going to be. It was known that the Taliban would start to advance once it was known that the evacuation was coming. There is a high likelihood that, had this taken too long, our window may have closed.

    With this in mind, I would have to follow up my original question with: What should have been done differently? I've stated what I believe Biden should have done differently, and the major irony here is that I'm really one of the only ones who has, to date, offered an effective, constructive criticism for his handling in Afghanistan.

    1. Bryan K -- I think your observation has merit. As I understand it, the Biden people think Trump could have negotiated a promise to leave the government in place, not start the takeover, until an evacuation was complete. Instead, as soon a Trump told them we are leaving they started attacking Afghan government forces who quickly gave up and went home. I don't know if such a thing could have been negotiated or not, but since it was not the chaos was well underway even before the evacuation started. Anyway, mostly everyone is out--what happens next is anyone's guess.

    2. Negotiation is not possible when you have no leverage. The Taliban knew this. The only possible leverage the US could have had in such negotiations was a possible refusal to withdraw, which is what we were negotiating for. The Taliban put up with it for 20 years. I'm guessing they had another 20 in them.

    3. News yesterday; Muslim radicals, (IS) are now working to make Pakistan a part of IS. Starting with clashes at the capital. Turkey next.

    4. Religious radicals are currently working to take over the US as well. It's kind of a scary time.

    5. Yes, and they all behead, cut off hands, and shoot opponents in the athletic field. Scary is right. (as well)

    6. it's a scary time alright. when folks like you think that Christians in the US are no different than the Taliban.


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