California's Most Important Feminist Witch

I enjoy learning about people who spend their lives spiting in the eye of conventional values and mores. A lady in California is a witch and clever artist all in one package. She was instrumental in dumping a law which outlawed fortune tellers. She was arrested in a sting operation. An under cover officer wanting fortune telling services came to visit. When our favorite witch obliged she was quickly arrested. Apparently seeing someone's fortune in a crystal ball was bad, hearing it from an imaginary god remains OK.

She was born poor in Hungary. Her mother was a psychic and had to place her with nuns so she would have enough to eat. "Just eat the food," her mother told her, "Ignore the religion."  This reminds me a woman I know in Fargo. She and her husband realized one of their children would do better in a smaller school so they chose Lutheran Oak Grove. "Now there will be religion there. Let in go in one ear and out the other" she advised. 

This witch has written over a dozen books on the rituals of witchcraft. They are circulated around the world. Although she is in her 80's she is certain her life's work of teaching witchcraft will live on after her through her writing.

It's fun to speculate on what will be the "next big thing" in spiritualism and religion. In my lifetime the Christian Science church experienced rocket growth in the 1950's. Then if fell like a rock. There is a huge empty Christian Science church a couple of block from me. The site will soon be condos. The iconic Grand Old Opry of country music is housed in The Ryman Auditorium. The building was built by a very successful church that died. We can be assured the next big thing to capture people minds could be most anything.

While we don't see big numbers in witchcraft it has latched onto feminism. Feminism is growing in numbers and influence. A part of this growth could make popular religious or spiritual concepts like witchcraft. Christianity has thrived by focusing on the male as opposed to the female. I've just finished my third book this year on how masculinity has crowded out the equality that existed centuries ago in Christianity. 

I'm looking forward to a day when the crosses on steeples are replaced with brooms.


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