Why Anti Abortion Zealots Don't Demand Funerals for Miscarriage Fetuses

The Governor of one state is trying to pass a law requiring funerals for fetuses resulting from abortions. Never mind funerals are going out of style for adults who die. It is not the norm anymore. There is no law requiring funerals for adults.

Never mind, either, the millions of fetuses that die from miscarriages. No demand for funerals there. The demand for funeral for abortion-related fetuses is demanded for only one reason, to punish women. Women are punished because it raises the price of an abortion. But, of course, a funeral would act as punishment by casting of shame on women who had an abortion. That is its purpose. Its purpose is not to honor a "life." If it were to honor a "life" funerals would now be held for miscarriage fetuses. 

All of this goes back to the earlier days of anti abortion politics. In an earlier time, its politics focused on demonizing doctors and clinics that performed abortions. The reason there were abortions, these political operatives said, was because doctors and clinics sold abortion to unwitting women. The poor women did not know any better. They were the victims of evil abortion doctors and clinics. 

Years ago I wrote about the folly of this old-anti abortion gambit. I remember a reader scolded me for saying women are not victims but are the central reason for each abortion. Each abortion occurs because a women has calculated her circumstances, can she afford to raise a child, will the man help or disappear, is the man a mean and terrible person she contemplates leaving, what will be the effect of another child on children she already has, what is the risk of her death be giving birth, will this put her life on a downward spiral, etc. She considers all of these and makes a decision. Protestors at a clinic shouting their prayers mean absolutely nothing to nearly all the women entering a clinic. The doctor/clinic played no role in her decision.

During the time I've been writing this blog anti abortion nut cases have come to realize I am right and the woman is not a victim. She is making the decision, the doctor/clinic is merely providing what she asks for. With the medicine-induced abortions done at home the woman is more than ever in change of ending a pregnancy.

That is why odd ideas, like requiring a "funeral" for bits of human flesh, are being demanded by some state legislatures. Legislators now want to focus on shaming women instead of doctors/clinics. 

Punishing doctors/clinics involved only a few hundred or maybe a few thousand voters directly. Punishing woman affects many millions. This changes the politics. Ultimately, it will move in favor of abortion rights.


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