Prohibiting Women Priests/Preachers is Part of the Global Problem
Thank goodness there is a little more press coverage just now of discrimination against women. It must be easier to cover discrimination against races and gay people than against women. These latter must be stopped also. But, in plain sight is one of the most obvious statements women are inferior anyone can make: The Bible says women are not to be behind the pulpit.
The computer has made it easier for women in abusive marriages to find escape routes. I hope it is true for men as well.
World-wide discrimination against women continues. Very recently the problem has been pushed onto the back burner once again. As the U.S. pulls back from its military involvement in various places fundamentalist religions are moving back into power and carrying with them the repressive societies that existed before.
A famous women's rights conference has been held annually for several years and has attacked international attention. It now faces headwinds from the recent Trump Presidency and various civil wars.
Central to women's rights everywhere is religion. When religion teaches women cannot or should not play certain roles in society it creates an almost unsolvable problem. Best would be some huge world-wide religion that universally endorsed total equality. So far as I know such a religion does not exist. Certainly Christianity is not one.
Christianity could move ahead and remain above all world religions if it could endorse universal women's rights. If Christian women were allowed to hold any and all positions in the faith, including preacher/pastor, the faith would slowly displace other large faiths such as Islam. In addition, the faith would need to empower women to live their lives without rules made by men such as anti abortion. Christianity has the opportunity to reverse its decline. Unfortunately it does not have the ability. Male self interest remains in place and acts as a roadblock to survival of the faith.
In the comment section of this blog we have seen all the old male views of Christianity as to why women must be held back. Only they can give birth is one. Women don't mind playing second fiddle is another. Women run things anyway so it is not important they are not allowed to be clergy. So ridiculous are all of these.
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