Lookout Conservative Christianity, the Women are Coming for You

Parts of conservative Christianity still preach "complementarianism." This is a way to side step saying men are superior to women. It says, instead, women and men play different roles in relationships and they compliment each other. Since the rules were written by self-important men, it is not surprising men make the important decisions and women compliment men by keeping a clean house.

What is happening among Christian women reminds me of what happened to atheists and gay people. When Richard Dawkins and others wrote books on atheism, the first ones by large publishing houses,  they sold in unprecedented volumes. Those dumped on by society found their voice and pushed out opposition out of their way. 

Just now, there are two books selling very well challenging the idea the Bible endorses "complementarianism." When the authors appear in public the events are standing room only. Women "put in the place" by husbands and preachers are thrilled someone gives them voice.

Anyone can quote the Bible and follow with, "What this means is....." That men are to "lead" women and women are to follow the male lead is a relatively new concept. This was not always taught in Christianity. It is possible, of course, for women to make the case men were never granted positions in the family higher in the family hierarchy. Instead, women are quoting from the Bible and saying, "What this means is....."

When some branches of the faith note the story tellers who wrote the Bible had Jesus with only males on his "staff" they follow with, "What this means is the church is to be lead by men, not by women." This is but one of many ways a Bible story can be interpreted.  

The popular women authors say bluntly the concept of men receiving leadership from God is neither Christian nor historically accurate. Men did not assume the driver's seat in their relationship with women until the 19th century. Before that women held at least as many powerful positions as men. Men wanted a superior position and asked the church to give it to them. The men of the church wanted a superior status so they granted it to all men over all women.


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