Joe Biden's Clever Use of the Word "Soul"

Conservatives are frustrated with their inability to destroy Biden. Biden has not delivered on some campaign promises and stumbles when he speaks due to a stuttering handicap. Yet, he won the election and polling shows him doing well in popularity. I know all this could change but in real time he is shedding the barbs thrown at him. Why is he successful?

The link is one of the best political articles I have seen. It explains that Biden and his speech/political team have substituted the word and concept of "soul" for the word and concept of a God. He uses the word "soul" often, "God" almost never.

Biden no doubt has seen the numbers, people are dropping out of churches. The unifying concept of one god is going into the dust bin of history. Another concept, that there is some unifying spirit or common goal for U.S. citizens, remains. Some will call it religious, others not. 

What fascinates me is that Biden's persona, old, religious and an orthodox pol, is perfect to talk in an optimistic way about the future and hint it is guided by some unseen but emotion soaked common concept. Obama was more my kind of politician, cerebral and cool. But he could never have pulled off the political raid of independent voters by using the concept of a "soul" as Biden has done. 

I don't mean to imply Biden does not himself believe in the "soul." I'm guessing he does. I do think he would be perfectly confident saying there is a god and it's the one he himself worships. What he does that is calculating is not refer to his god. 

Obama was the first President, so far as I know, who said we are a country of several religions and no religion. Biden just tip toes by all that and hints of religion without going there. For example, when he declared U. S. troops will leave Afghanistan he could have riffed on how difficult the decision was and that he prayed about it. President Ford said he prayed about his decision to pardon Nixon. He lost to a better prayer, that of Jimmy Carter.

Republicans probably are unable to pivot from anti abortion, anti trans, socialism, religious nationalism and their usual fare. Biden, old as he is, knows a good political innovation when he sees it. 


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