A New Theory, Christian Mentors Will Keep Youth in the Church

The new theory is based on an assumption young people look to adults for guidance. This assumption is used to build a model of older "friends" influencing youth that will push Christianity retention numbers up. 

The program promotes itself, in the way Christian enterprises often promote themselves, with anecdotes of success. There seems no data showing it has reversed the large exodus of youth from their churches and from organized religion generally.  

The recommendation it to befriend, then at the right moment spring the Bible. Long ago that made sense. Now young women, for example, might hear that Paul said women should not be preachers. Young women would want to give the faith the bird. When the mentor claims Bible verses find their young person's close gay friends were deep sinners headed for hell that would make no sense. Goodbye church.

The mentor scheme assumes the culture had not changed the last many decades. It avoids the religious right's scoffing at government, teachers, news media, medicine, science and every other institution that might seem to have authority. Then the mentor is to say to the young person, "But, trust me, trust the Bible and trust your preacher/priest." Why would not the young person remember his/her class on critical thinking and apply it to religion as well?   

Young people are bombarded with more marketing messages than were their parents or grandparents. When Christianity starts its bragging about saving souls from hell or that there was a Resurrection young eyes must roll. Better would be to hedge a little with "the faith teaches...." Who is going to believe the New Testament story that when Jesus was crucified long dead men pushed aside the soil over them and walked into town.   

Christian promoters don't seem to grasp if you want to make a sale you have to have a product to sell. The miracles, ghosts, invisible gods, dead people rising, covenants, etc. are like buying something sight unseen. Young people seeing the older generation of happy and productive Christians may have a positive impact. Telling them tall tales, I have my doubts.


  1. "As the head of the family should teach them in a simple way to their household" A 500 yr. old saying. As true now, as then.

  2. Bringing people to Faith is not an economic transaction with income statements and balance sheets of Faith on one side of ledger, sins and grace strewn about and salvation calculated upon some formula.

    Faith is always the work of the Holy Spirit doing something profound and Man responding.

    Take the case of Elisabeth Leseur who died at age 48. Her husband, a medical doctor, once Catholic and now avowed atheist, who not only returned to the Catholic Faith upon her death but entered the Seminary and become a priest.

    Elisabeth offered up all her sacrifices, trials, and sufferings for her husband's conversion. She kept it secret even unto her death. However, she kept a Journal which her husband discovered after her death. It turns out she offered her death to God for his return to the Faith. God granted her offering. As her husband read the pages of her journal, his Faith rekindled. He sought out a priest to seek God's forgiveness.

    From there, it was on to the seminary and his final calling in life as Father Felix Leseur. He published his deceased wife's journal. It is simply called, The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur".

  3. Biden-Harris have now given American lives to the enemy in Afghanistan. Personally, I am scandalized by the fact that Biden calls himself Catholic but shows no outward sign of actually being a Catholic. Darkening a church door and holding rosary beads don't count for more than a photo op.

    Meanwhile, our allies in Israel, Taiwan and Japan are watching. Will their enemies, our enemies be emboldened by the total chaos in Afghanistan? This is what happens when the Democrat Party controls the USA military.

    1. Matt-- "I am scandalized by the fact that Biden calls himself Catholic but shows on outward sign of actually being Catholic."

      He quoted from Isaiah today. I thought Catholics believed in the Bible.

    2. It is frustrating when something you predicted 20 years ago comes to fruition, and people end up blaming Joe Biden.

    3. Even Satan knows the Bible. I thought atheists knew that. Or do you not recall that Satan quoted Scripture to Christ when he tempted Him.

    4. If you predicted Biden would author the slaughter of Americans in Afghanistan, who else to blame?

    5. The prediction, in 2001, was that going into Afghanistan without a specific mission objective and without a detailed exit strategy would result in exactly what we are seeing now regardless of who was president.

      What is happening right now was inevitable, and it became inevitable in 2001. I've been telling people for 20 years to get ready for it while Obama and Trump punted. Now Biden is doing what needed to be done a long time ago, and he's getting all of the heat.

      Welcome to identity politics 101.

    6. Bryan K "The prediction, in 2001, was that going into Afghanistan without a specific mission objective and without an exist strategy...exactly what we are seeing right now..."

      Good and appropriate observation. President George W prayed a lot and apparently thought God told him people in Afghanistan longed for a democracy and would side with the U.S. as soon as Rumsfeld's troops arrived. Rumsfeld believed a small number of troops could take the entire country, vast isolated areas and all, and immediately after an election would be held and U.S. would leave. Seasoned military and many academics with on the ground experience said it would take a huge number of our troops who would both maintain security and run the government for many years while leaders and public opinion was moved from tribal and family loyalty to a functioning democratic system. The latter were scoffed at by Chaney, Rumsfeld and Bush. Only Biden sees clearly what to do about the mess these the Bush clown car left us.

      All that said, I'm thinking there will be a large number of people left in Afghanistan who speak and read English and who have traveled to other countries. If that is true, it may be difficult for the religious ruling factions to impose the same draconian rules of men and women that were in place before. Underground resistance may be stronger than any of us predicted.


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