A Jesuit Priest Shames the Catholic Church
Sometimes wisdom comes from sources one least expects. Recently a Jesuit Priest made an impassioned case for the Catholic Church to get over its obsessiveness with the "sin" on homosexuality and and be a part of help instead of harm. The Priest's proposal seems so much more like the Jesus character in the Bible than does much of his church.
Suicide rates are high among gay people. They are estranged from their parents at higher rates than any other group. Instead of forming a circle of support around gays the Catholic church, and many Protestant ones, forms a circle of hate and condemnation. "You have sinned" is the message. Shame on the Catholic Church and all others that preach homosexuality is a sin. It harms individuals who cannot be different than they are.
I read a poll recently, can't find it just now, which asked Catholics who have left the church the major complaint they had. Over 60% said their major beef with the Catholic Church was its attitude toward gays. Of course there are local churches here and there that have large gay memberships but the church hierarchy has not caught up with the rest of society.
I don't understand the factions or politics inside the Catholic Church but it is interesting to watch from afar. You have the Benedict crowd passionately focused on sin and against women and gays. Then there is the Jesuit branch of which Pope Francis is an alum which focuses of helping those most in need.
The huge Methodist denomination is splitting into the anti gay and pro humanity factions. Splits like this are healthy for the faith. A split would be helpful to the Catholic branch. The liberal branch might retain some of those who are leaving.
The Jesuits like the link author display some home for Christianity in general and for the Catholic branch. If the rest of the denomination remains blind to the truth we can count on it becoming smaller.
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