Virginia Republican Candidate for Governor has a Secret About Abortion
Reading about the Republican running for Governor of Virginia, Glen Youngkin, I was struck by how similar anti abortion zealots are to the anti integration conservatives of 1950-1970. They are soldiers of God, fearless in the face of opposition. Unless they are campaigning for voters. Then they need to be dishonest. A little dishonesty while serving the god of anti integration and abortion is a good thing.
There is a tape of Youngkin answering a question, why is he in his campaign not railing out against Planned Parenthood and the money it receives from government? Youngkin replied he needs independent voters to win in Virginia. Biden won Virginia by 10%. It has been Republican but is trending Democrat. Youngkin said that once elected and successful in bringing a strong Republican majority to the Virginian legislature anti abortionists like him can go on the offensive.
Youngkin's strategy of hiding his anti abortion views to win votes is identical to the private school movement in South Carolina and across the South. In the case of the South, legislation watering down requirements so private schools could operate hid the real purpose, racial segregation of children. In the case of abortion, anti women/abortion is hidden by budget measures and ridiculous requirements for abortions called safety measures.
Anti integrationists thought they would never get caught in the ruse. Today it is looked back on as a period when racial integration and the horror of mixed race marriages took over the minds of a large swath of U.S. voters. Republicans stepped in to take states from Democrats. Now voters in the South are slowly realizing they were rolled.
Youngkin is taking another page from the anti integration playbook. Youngkin has never agreed Trump lost the election. After he scrubbed his website of anti abortion material he declared he would establish some kind of election integrity board or committee. He is trying to hold onto Trump voters while trying fool independents about abortion.
Lying, deceiving and ducking under cover was the standard for conservative politics during civil rights and remains to this day.
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