A Catholic University Invites Biden

I have not blogged for a couple of weeks. My computer failed, the problem took a while to diagnosis and then the part was slow to arrive. Now when it is all fixed I'm at the annual fly in of my type of airplane. With all the greeting and catching up with everyone since two years ago there isn't much time for blogging.

All this said it was impossible not to notice complaints against a Catholic university who invited President Biden to speak. The outrage is over his support of abortion rights for women, though he does not endorse abortion personally. There is nothing better for a Catholic university, or any university, to be seen as important enough for a President to make an appearance there. 

As I mentioned in recent blogs, supporters of racial segregation thought any official or individual could not be a Christian if he/she endorsed segregation of schools. After all, they said, God would not have put different races on different continents if he wanted them to intermarry. This being the case, Christians do not support school integration. 

To anti abortion zealots life begins at conception. They have been taught this notion by religious leaders. Since abortion is considered a major sin one cannot advocate abortion rights and be a Christian. Biden, therefore, is not a Christian. 

Anti abortion and segregation are identical is several ways. Both are about pointing fingers at one group and condemning. Ultimately the public rejected segregation. It will do the same with anti abortion. 


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