Pope Paul VI: Do Not Use Human Reasoning, Stay with Mythology

If ever a document laid out efforts at mind control for all to see, it is Pope Paul VI directives on the Holy Eucharist in his Mystererium Fedei Encyclical. He warns Catholics not to succumb to believing what they see and feel in the real world. Instead they are to replace reality with the fantasy he, Pope Paul, provided. 

This is what Kim Jung-Un of North Korea does. He broadcasts to his public they should be happy they have him a ruler and should not focus on food shortages. Hilter told the German public they should focus on being the superior race and not on how many young people were being killed in his war. 

Today I read a piece on a Christian site that told the faithful they should not focus on the falling numbers in the faith. Instead they should focus on the "Holy Spirit." The reason to focus on a dream world instead of the real world is simply control. Kim and Hilter knew this. Leader in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism know it as well. Cult leaders we have known in the U.S. who led followers to death knew it too.

President Johnson used something called the Gulf of Tonkin to justify going to war. Later it was revealed the events referred to surrounding which Johnson said happen involving the Gulf of Tonkin never happened. Reality was replaced with myth.

I wish it were possible for preachers and priests to use qualifiers when talking about miracles and magic in the Bible. Once I heard an Orthodox Priest talking to atheists about events in the Bible like the Resurrection and Virgin Birth. When listeners challenged him about the historical accuracy of these far-flung stories he said these are part of the "Christian tradition." This is a good way to avoid making the case for fantasy replace reality. That a set of people have believed particular fairy tales for generation does not make them fact. They are "traditions."

I understand the problem of telling people the truth. Fantasy is often more fun than reality. Which is more pleasant, thinking that you have been completely eliminated when you die or that you are transported to some wonderful luxurious place? It's amazing everyone does not glop onto religion and cling to its fantasies. 

But they don't all go for myth. Ironically, the world is a better place because not everyone falls for false beliefs and appealing myths.  


  1. ".....that told the faithful they should not focus on the falling numbers in the faith."

    Speaking of declining numbers, I have noticed this action-packed atheist blog lately.....bursting at the seams with discussion and reasoning.

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  3. tsm I came across a quote from some centuries ago, " To determine if you have insulted me, I must first decide if I value your opinion."

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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