If God Hates Abortion, Why Did he Kill So Many Babies

It's laughable some in the Catholic hierarchy are claiming the biggest issue facing the world is abortion. Have they not read the Bible? It's been said more than once if you want to learn what the Bible says ask an atheist, not a Christian.

We all know the Sunday School story of God killing all the babies and pregnant women except for Noah's family. Killing children, fetuses and women is acceptable if they are thought to be sinners. It would be good for anti abortion protestors to know this. 

Then there is Numbers 31:15-18. The order there is to kill and the women who have had sex. Then kill all the little boys. I've walked among anti abortion picketers and they have shouted scripture, but never the one.

The prophet in Hosea 9 talks of killing children and women with empty wombs and dry breasts. The children, unlike today's fetuses, are not innocent. They are the guilty parties. But, the faith never changes (sarcasm). 

A group of children were expendable in 2 Kings 2:19-25. Children who make fun of important bald men need to be killed. The she-bears will make short work of them.

There are other examples which show the God of the Bible did not really like children or babies very much. I would guess there are more stories of children being murdered by God or with the approval of God than stories of protecting children. 

How did the Catholic Church and conservative protestant denominations get this so wrong? Why are they since whistling past the grave yard of the children God murdered? There are two reasons.

One is the necessity of controlling women. Male clergy liked setting the rules and did not want women to have any role in that. 

The other is numbers. Clergy did not always make strategic calculations about numbers of Christians and that more members meant more money. But, when it did dawn on them abortion, along with artificial birth control became sins. 


  1. I'm only commenting because I feel sorry that no one every seems to comment on your daily essays.

    First, God is the author of life, the Creator. He creates and he destroys. We are the creation. We are not God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. We don't make the rules.

    I am absolutely positive you will twist what I have to say. You act as if you are the moral authority, i.e. God.

    Whether you believe God allows innocent human life to be destroyed or whether you believe he proactively destroys innocent human life, the theology is similar. He is God. He creates. He destroys.

    He raised Lazarus from the dead. He wiped out the entire world's population, save for a few, with a flood.

    We cannot bring a dead person back to life. We don't have the moral authority to wipe out the entire world's population.

    At the heart of your argument is your belief, which you know to be false, that God 'plays by the same rules' as human beings. It is not immoral for God kill. Unless by self defense or in a just war, it is immoral for a person to kill another person.

    But as long as you assume you are God, nothing will be 'fair' in your eyes.

  2. Matt "Whether you believe God allows innocent life to be destroyed or whether you believe he proactively destroys human life, the theology is similar. He is God. He creates. He destroys."

    That is the point of my blog. You have said here before, "God hates abortion." If this god kills millions, as the Bible says he did, how could he hate abortion? A god that enjoys killing would enjoy abortion.

    I don't think I was passing judgment on the morality of God, or inserting my morality for God's. I'm just saying you are wrong about God and abortion. The Bible does not say God hates abortion. It doesn't say anything about it.

    1. God was created in man's image.

      So of course it is perfectly acceptable for God to hate stuff when other people do it but is perfectly okay doing it himself.


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