From the Pen of a (Catholic) Scholar, the Bible Does Not Condemn Abortion

A basic mistake in the Catholic hierarchy is that priests and bishops are not held accountable for what they say. When we see bishops shifted child molesting priests around to different parishes to keep them from being made public we must conclude bishops are not held accountable for what they do either. 

When several bishops said and voted to make abortion the most serious of sins, it would have been appropriate for the Pope or some high ranking mucky muck to have asked them publicly to state where in the Bible is says abortion is a sin of the highest order. The bishops would have been left speechless because they would be unable to do so. In fact, according to the professor and link author who is a Catholic, bishops have stopped looking for the Bible justification against abortion. New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman wrote recently the Bible does not condemn abortion. 

So, how do some of the bishops justify their opposition to abortion and to giving President Biden communion? "Natural Law" is now their trick. Does it say in the Bible abortion is against "Natural Law?" Of course not. Bishops just made that up. Bishops are allowed to make up anything about "Natural Law." 

An anti abortion nut case immediately challenged the NY Times article I linked. He said the Bible condemns mass killing of human beings. This is where otherwise sound brains get all scrambled. Saying abortion is the mass killing of "human beings" is only meaningful if fetuses are human beings. Fetuses are human beings only if one makes up a definition of human beings that includes them. 

Since Bishops know the Bible does not condemn abortion they must become more nimble and fast on their feet. They need some way of referring to "morals" but leave the Bible out. They have test marketed several other arguments, DNA for example. Even this argument has been smothered by the simple act of looking at children. Bothers and sisters do not look the same nor act the same. That is because each sperm and egg has unique characteristics before conception. It turns out the Monty Python parody song, "Every sperm is sacred" has a grain of truth to it. If Catholics, some Lutherans and some Baptists believe every fertilized egg is a human being because is has unique DNA then every sperm is a human being as well.

For now, the craziest of bishops have lost. Biden can continue to receive communion because the Bible gives him the green light. 


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