Do Those Who "Didn't See Nothin'" After Being Dead Write Books
If history predicts the future, there will be a steady stream of books written by people who were declared dead by nurses or doctors but survived. The books will always, in my observation, be about entering some heavenly-like place. Often including some church music.
I gather it is not all that unusual for sick or injured people to lose their vital signs, be technically dead and then recover. A few years back a doctor wrote a best seller about his heavenly claim. A young boy wrote one and then fessed that he made it up. Does anyone write a book who had this happen and remembers nothing? Would not that be just a huge a "miracle" as seeing something?
Reports about seeing things no one else saw is a theme in religion. I think it is common in others besides Christianity. Christianity uses the terms, "visions" and "revealed." And, it works for religions to have individuals claim they saw things and/or had visits with invisible or long dead people. So far as I know, there has never been an atheist who made a claim like this. Nothing in atheism is "revealed." The bank accounts of atheist organizations are harmed by this. If anyone hears about an atheist's vision or something that was revealed please pass it along so I can tell the world.
It's understandable our press covers stories about people in the U.S. who have out of body experiences. When someone has been declared "dead" it is all the more sensational. Surely this must happen in other countries where other religions dominate. Do Hindu people in India experience a heavenly site while in a comma and hear Lutheran church music? I don't know.
One thing is for sure, when someone has no recollection of seeing anything it will not be a news story. Christians make up a large portion of the news media market. They want to hear someone heard heaven calling and that Paul really saw Jesus when Jesus was long dead. It's the nature of the business.
There is no market for a book by someone who "Didn't see nothin'."
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