Shouting to Others While Leaving the Faith

There actually is a group called #leaveloud. It's goal is to persuade people leaving their church not to merely stop attending but to let everyone know they are leaving. This upsets some believers.

I suspect most people will not leaveloud but those that do are merely paying back for in-your-face evangelism that is central to Christian dogma. Christians are charged to go out and spread the faith. The "spreadloud" and should not complain if some shout back at them on their way out.

Evangelistic Christians are so annoying they have become a topic of ridicule. The other day I saw a T shirt which promised others would distance themselves from you--not take seats beside you on airplanes and buses. The T shirt's message is "Mind If I Tell You About Jesus Christ?"

There is on-going research about why people leave and what happens to them afterwards. When I first became publicly known as a nonbeliever there were a couple of responses from Christians. One was that I must have been mistreated by someone in my church life. The other was the I was "struggling with your faith." I think these were the go-to explanations nearly all Christians used at the time. It was almost inconceivable someone like me could not believe there is a God. 

It is often said those who leave the faith will return. Another general thought is that most remain quite religious but don't affiliate with any denomination. Neither is strongly supported by answers from those who have left. A large block has simply lost the faith. 

One part of society with an anti Christian chip on its shoulder is the black community, especially younger members. They are the subject of leaveloud discussed in the link. So, parts of the black community has a beef, a large swath of women have a beef and now some Bishops are loudly denying communion to very religious Catholic politicians. You could not have written a better script for driving people away from the faith.  


  1. Last night I got an email this blog had been taken down by censors. I didn't appeal or complain, just figured whatever and posted a different blog. Then today another email, "After review your blog has been reinstated." What happened or what the problem was I have no idea.

  2. Jon maybe it was Big Brother from Cancel Culture Inc., either randomly sniffing around or by intent giving you a look see. Perhaps driven by a complaint. Then ‘they’ pass judgement on your work. Though it could have been privateers funded by the CIA, the Christian Intelligence Agency. I don’t know but that could happen. You still get to do what you do and I’m glad.

  3. That was a weird exchange on Facebook, and I thought your account had been hacked.


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