Maybe God Really Approves of Gay Marriage and Abortion

When Martin Luther nailed his grievances on the church door (no one knows if he actually did this), it started a new way of thinking. The outcome was as much due to the new technology of the printing press as to the ills of the Catholic Church at the time. As far as the clergy at the time, they thought they were doing a good job, just what God wanted them to do. How could God be angry at extorting money from the poor when priests were doing something far more important than money, saving souls for eternity. The poor could not use that money in eternity anyway but we clergy need to enjoy it now. 

How could clergy a few hundred years ago think it was just fine to extort money from the poor? It's easy to understand.  "It is an age-old temptation for clergy and their followers to edge over the line between obeying God and being God."

Note, being God is not limited to clergy. Any number of commenters on this very blog have told us what God hates, abortion and gay marriage. They are not quoting God, they are being God. They are going astray from what Paul says in the Bible says, "How unsearchable are His judgements..." 

A Christian may well get a comeuppance pretending to be his/her God. God could hold views just the opposite of what the conventional wisdom of today claims. Here is God supposedly speaking to the prophet Isaiah, "Behold, I will do a new thing; not it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it." According to this, God might be on the side of the wayward priests in Germany who are blessing gay marriages. Or, God could be smiling on clinics and doctors who perform abortions. God killed plenty of babies himself so the Bible says.  The people today who say these are sins are those playing God. "The Almighty is so darned aloof, so circumspect--who can blame humans for speaking on God's behalf."

The sin-of-the-week is young people changing from the gender assigned them at birth to another gender. Sometimes it is claiming some of two genders. Those playing God have let us know that they, God, does not approve of this. The real God, if there were one, might be today writing labels for those impersonating him. The labels are to sort all of us when our judgment day arrives. 

The "HELL" stickers might have the names of some of our most pious and loud shouters. Others, now called sinners by the self righteous, may receive "HEAVEN" stickers and will sit in the bleachers watching those in the fiery pit below. Probably there is a rule to never let on how much you enjoy watching the pious suffer. 


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