Christians, Why Refuse to Look Outside Your Faith
I ran across an interview with Francis Chan, formerly a mega church preacher. I always take a peak at what he is saying or writing. In this case it was a disappointment. He said what nearly all Christian leaders say, the problem of falling Christian numbers must be solved by being better Christians. In his case, numbers would turn around if people had more conversations or better conversations with the imaginary being. Of course, its always hard to know if a public figure like Chan is actually trying to solve a problem or just selling his books.
Comments from readers of the article were even more passionate about the problem being inside the faith. One wrote the other Christian commenters were not good Bible readers because the problem was prophesized in 1 Timothy 4:1. That passage, commonly thought to have been written by someone impersonating Paul, says, The spirit clearly says in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. The message there is, no use to look outside the faith to see what our competitor is doing. We know from the Bible our problem is things taught by demons.
I would guess there are billions of Christians who make their living in commerce. When a competitor steals their customers I doubt any of them get out their Bible to find what the competitor is doing. Instead they investigate, ask customers, read the advertisement and go into the competitor's store. Christians could do that. They could study cultural change, ask people who have lost the faith or those who never had it why they are not interested. They might find something useful. Reading the Bible, telling people to pray or to be "real Christians" provides nothing about why people have become less enthralled. Maybe calling out sinners or guarantees of a good life after they are dead just are not credible now or never were. If one approach is no longer working they should try something else.
A Christian parody site I visit advertises, "Convert to Jesus, win a new toaster." This, of course, is meant to be ridiculous. It is no more ridiculous than "Pray more and convert millions to Jesus."
Or, perhaps they are losing relevance?
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Deletetsm "who disagree with you."
ReplyDeleteI'm going to steal a line from a guy who does videos about driving around the U.S. Like with everyone who does videos and blogs, there is a steady stream of people bitching about what they publish. He even sells T shirts with his response printed on them, "YOU DO YOUR WAY, I'LL DO MINE."
Whoops, I need to correct his saying, "You do you, I'll do me."
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ReplyDeleteDo you sense an increase in interdenominational swapping during this Christian contraction in America ; as in Methodist to Lutheran, Lutheran to Baptist, … ? How about Protestant to Catholic or vice versa. Maybe it’s termed an “intra-faith” swap. In some cases I suppose doctrinal differences are ignored in favor of compatible fellowship and feel. Then there’s the church orphans following a closure.
Much of the content in the linked article was about firing up the clergy to tell their parishioners to fear God and be unafraid to “invade” areas of society like the classroom and “take [it] for Christ”. For it is written their righteousness guarantees a win. Why not go quietly? For goodness sake don’t invade. Pull your nose back. Retreat from your political/cultural agenda and peacefully enjoy your Jesus culture in loving fellowship. Have a little faith. Maybe more of it will rub off.
Ardy B "Interdenominational swapping"--- I suppose that and mergers. I agree those claiming they should badger people about hell and such simply don't understand the real world.