Support for LGBT Rights has Reached 75%
A recent poll revealed that three-fourths of U. S. voters believe LGBT should not be discriminated against. Christians considered spokespersons for the faith continue to demand the "right" to discriminate. Is it surprising Christian numbers are falling?
Some Christian celebrities are adjusting to the new reality. Only a decade ago the "go to" issue of conservative Christians was gay marriage. When I started blogging gay marriage was on the tongue of most every right wing preacher and priest.
An adjustment has been made. Today the "go to" issue is transition from one gender to another and those who have transitioned using the "wrong rest rooms." It includes condemnation of parents who are helping their own children who have become aware the gender they feel is not the one assigned them at birth. Just today there is a column by a right wing preacher who thinks if there were a "revival" a father he knows about would not allow his child to receive hormones for the transition his child is going through. Apparently, a Christian "revival" would persuade the parent to hammer home to his child, "God assigned you a gender when he gave you certain body parts. You must pretend God is correct."
Today I read again a most favorite used by the Christian right, "struggling." I've been told I am struggling with my faith. I don't have a "faith," how could I struggle with that? People who are attracted to the same sex are said to be "struggling" with sexual attraction. Most homosexual people I know are not struggling with this issue. The one I read today said those who are changing from the gender they were assigned at birth are "struggling." Many may have once struggled to understand why they do not feel they are the gender they were assigned but they may not be struggling by the time they announce to all who know them they are a different gender.
It seems to me it would be a "struggle" to believe in imaginary beings that one thinks exist but no one has ever seen. Would it be accurate to say all Christians are struggling with reality when they believe such things?
It is not a struggle to believe in the reality before us. That is why 75% of those polled believe in equal rights for LBGT people. They simply see what is in front of them and believe it to be reality. It is the other 25% who are struggling.
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