More Catholic BS About Covid Vaccinations

The Catholic bureaucracy, along with many in its laity, waste so much time talking about their high toned morality one wants to suggest they find something more useful to do. Just now they are wasting their lives discussing whether or not they should get vaccinated against Covid. "There is such an important and grave issue involved. Way back at the beginning of the vaccination research fetal tissue was used to develop the vaccine." they lament. 

This reminds me of the piety of the church of my youth. There was serious discussion about the mortal sin of using a tractor of Sunday on whether one alcoholic drink caused an eternity in hell. Those discussions were silly and so is pondering the relationship of vaccines to aborted fetuses. As someone quoted in the link explains, a huge part of future medical advances will be dependent of fetal tissue. The future of longer and better lives is based on the most "evil of all sins," abortion.

Drawing a line in the sand about abortion has become the biggest mistake in all of Christianity. It is thought to be a major reason for the election of Donald Trump. His defeat took Christianity down with him.  Anti abortion is a dead end in politics and harms the well being of citizens.

There are endless discussions about the "ethics" and "morals" of abortion and now about the use of vaccines whose development was made possible by fetus material. One Catholic doctor asked how her use of the vaccine had any influence on events that are already in the past. Two holier-than-thou Bishops quickly responded by saying abortion is so evil an act that any association to it no matter the time or distance is to sin. 

To the anti abortion brain, like these to Bishops, the number of deaths due to Covid is not a relevant issue. Hundreds of thousands of dead humans are worth less than one fetus.

How can thousands of otherwise sane people think in this peculiar way? Media star Geraldo Rivera explained it to some of us decades ago in Fargo when he produced a piece about the abortion clinic. "Anti abortion has the image." He meant the x ray pictures and pickled remains of fetuses. I think many have come to see these images as having emotional and/or religious meaning. Some say the religious meaning found in these images is a form of idol worship.

Maybe someday Catholics will learn to address the ethics and morality of more important issues. 


  1. We Catholics were thinking of endowing a chair at Catholic University of America in D.C. for Catholic morality. You would be our first choice to occupy the chair. It comes in white porcelain with a plastic seat, all modern plumbing.Do you think you could fill the opening?

    1. Matt at 7:25 AM

      Historically, Catholic morality leaves a residue of soil behind. In case Jon takes a pass on your offer, the endowment for your john should include the installation of a Hello Tushy 3.0.

    2. "Do you think you could fill the opening?"

      No, he can't. Jon is full of it, but he is bound.

  2. I won't get the shot. With the number of vaccinated people getting Bells Palsy and stroke to face, I would hate to clean up my image. 99.8% recovery rate without the "help" of the shot. Experimental drug that you have to sign for. On the merits of whether the cost/benefit ratio is high enough to justify the shot, it doesn't even become a matter of objection to using baby tissue from babies that would have been killed anyway. The recovery rate is just too good for me to worry.

    We had a number of family friends die from COVID. One had heart and lung issues prior. She carefully stayed home, but went outside the home once to get flu vaccination. Shortly thereafter, she got Covid. Not sure if it was COVID 19 or just a bad corona virus cold as it was pre-election when the PCR test sensitivity was cranked up to include most anything. In any case, the hospital got their extra $52,000 for admitting a COVID patient + ventilator besides the normal hospital bed rates and charges for the month long dying process.

    1. Henry -- "without the help of the shot."

      Half the deaths are people over 80. I'm over 80. Those who survive often have lingering health problems. I've had one shot. I'll get the other, even though it means an eternity in hell because back somewhere in time fetus cells were used to develop the vaccine. Wait, maybe the fetus issue is just religion and has nothing to do with the real world. I'll stick with the latter.

    2. Henry--About those survivor statistics. We have a close friend aged 92 in a care facility in Fargo. She survived Covid. Now, however, she can't stand food and continues to lose weight. She taught medical sociology in the UND med school for several years and knows much about the ethics of medicine. She has no use for the Catholic theology that condemns vaccinations because of its very remote relationship to abortion.

    3. both my wife and I have had both covid shots. I think that most Catholic bioethicists would say that the connection between the initial evil act and the shot is so remote as to pose no ethical problem for the recipient. for Jon, of course, there is no issue here at all because for him, abortion is not an objectively immoral act. abortion is nothing more serious than an appendectomy. while I'm at it, I recall a similar controversy regarding information gleaned from the Nazi cold water experiments to treat hypothermia, chiefly in sailors, ditched airmen and ice water victims.

    4. "Now, however, she can't stand food and continues to lose weight."

      Most of my relatives with longevity genes eventually lost their taste for food with the same result. They would get colds and flu. That was pre-COVID-19 when we just had the regular corona virus cold strains, not the engineered cold strains out of Wuhan.

      "She has no use for the Catholic theology that condemns vaccinations because of its very remote relationship to abortion."

      Hey, those babies were already killed for other conveniences. Might as well slice them up. I guess better than heating the furnaces (medical waste incinerators) that push electrical power into the grid. Every ounce of energy is utilized to maximum efficiency.

      As I said earlier, my issue begins well before that consideration. I just don't need it in my station in life.

  3. Matt: that was a good one. I would be afraid of overflow, tho'. someone who confuses tractors on Sunday with serious bioethical issues is certainly full of it.

    1. One common thread among the vast majority of liberals is a complete lack of any shame oi accountability. I could reference federal officials such as Swalwell, Schiff, Pelosi, AOC and a host of others. I could reference state officials such as Cuomo, Walz, Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker and a host of others. And when has anyone from BLM, Antifa, Planned Parenthood, The View, Hollywood, a teachers union, and a host of others ever apologized for misbehavior or actual hatred of conservatives. The dehumanization of religious and conservative human beings is on full display. And we wonder how Nazi Germany, Mao or Stalin ever did what they did to their fell men, women and children.

  4. From the outside looking in at the moral tribulation supposedly suffered by some in the Catholic faith over the use of the HEK293 cell line cultured from fetal kidney tissue and used in the testing of COVID-19 vaccines, I submit that the tribulation should be replaced by celebration.

    Consider this from an article in The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute: “I received an e-mail a few months ago from Professor Frank Graham, who established this cell line. He tells me that to the best of his knowledge, the exact origin of the HEK293 fetal cells is unclear. They could have come from either a spontaneous miscarriage or an elective abortion. Regardless, the abortions that gave rise to the three cell lines—or in the possible case of HEK293, the miscarriage—happened decades ago. The aborted fetuses are long gone, as are the original fetal cells. There are no fetal body parts or fetal tissue left. Only distinct, new cells derived from the original fetal cells remain.”(1)

    What could be more righteous than the life saving legacy of the source of the HEK293 cell line. In my opinion the donor deserves to be canonized as much as the patron saints of headaches and lost or stolen articles.

    My guess is most Catholics, out of love for family, friends, and community get vaccinated. Furthermore, “Already strong advocates of COVID-19 vaccines as a means to curb the pandemic, Pope Francis and his Vatican team have ratcheted up their position by making the shot mandatory for all employees.”(2) The Pope got his. I assume Bishops are considered employees. A few prelates may be suffering a “moral coercion of conscience.” For some it won’t be their first.



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