Christian Adoption Agency Will Place Children With Gay Couples
Every year we get a Christmas card from a gay man who years ago stayed in our home for several weeks. The card always has a picture of him and his adopted daughter who is now a teenager. He stays in touch with the single biological mother as well as with the girl's biological sister. I don't know of an adoption anywhere by anyone that turned out better than this one.
A Christian adoption agency, Bethany Christian Services, just announced it will place children with gay adoptive parents. It had been doing this in Michigan after a court order a few years ago. The comment section of Christianpost is filled with nasty anti gay comments. One of them talks of the harm done to children when being raised by gay parents.
That gay adoptive parents are harmful to children is one of those cruel myths spread by some branches of Christianity. If anyone claims Christianity is not harmful to society this myth can be referred to. I debated Catholic celebrity Ryan P. Anderson years ago in Fargo on this issue. He falsely claimed gay adoption was harmful. The Commandment most ignored by Christians is the one that condemns lying.
We can count on several other Christian adoption agencies to have less integrity than Bethany. They will use "religious liberty" as a right to following prejudice policies against potential gay parents. In the name of "Christianity" children will be denied parents that could be their anchors for life.
I can only begin to list the ways some Christians are using or plan to use "religious liberty" to demean or harm others. Those who offer housing, motels of apartments, want to deny housing to mixed race and gay couples. Pharmacists who oppose abortion and birth control want the power to deny these legal medicines to patients.
Many Christian pundits lament the falling numbers in Christianity and wonder what will happen to the country's "morals" without it. So far as I can tell, the nation will do just fine without having to deal with Christianity's power plays and serious flaws.
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