The 1950's Propaganda Campaign Against Atheism


What have atheists in the U.S. ever done to harm anyone? I can't think of anything. Wait, Madeline O'Hare did successfully eliminate Christian prayer in public schools. But, I'm not aware that is harmed anyone. It helped children from other religions attend school without having to undergo this humiliation. 

Why, then, are atheists so condemned today? One explanation goes back to the Eisenhower Presidency and the cold war. There were meetings and a strategy developed on how best to rally support for big defense budgets. The one chosen was to link communism with atheism. Money for propaganda was raised, the amount in today's dollars was millions. 

The Soviet Union saw churches as places where political opposition could be talked about openly. They, like politicians everywhere, did not want opposition. Leaders of the revolution went about trying to stamp out all sources of political opposition, including religious gatherings. Communism and atheism are not the same thing. If atheism were to have been seen as an enemy to Communism one has to guess leaders would have trying not to allow such a group to hold meetings and to organize. 

Money raised for propaganda during the Eisenhower period was spent advertising the merits of going to church. It was the moment when Eisenhower promoted putting "In God We Trust" on our currency. It was a time of wall to wall God stuff. If we measure success by church membership and religious bills passed in Congress it was a great success. To this day the number of atheists elected to political office probably could be counted on your fingers.

The irony is atheists know all about the 1950's campaign and are beginning to wage their own version of it. Locally where I am writing this is a substantial group called Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers. It raised money locally to promote atheism on city busses several years ago. This week, new billboard went up with a picture of the distinctive Iowa Capitol. A simple phrase appears beside the picture, This is Not a Church. The idea, or course, is atheists want legislators to work on issues other than abortion, use of rest rooms by trans people and what is taught about homosexuality in schools.

Maybe more acceptance is ahead for atheism.


  1. communism is not atheism? really? at least in its Marxist version, it most certainly is: it is, in fact, of the warp and woof of classical Marxism. remember the opiate of the masses line and the view that religion alienates man from his true self and destiny. of course, the Bolsheviks wanted to silence the churches, both for political reasons and philosophical reasons. if you stop to think about it, you and your whining atheist buddies would, if you could, do the same here in the USA.

    1. tsm " most certainly is.

      Maybe read an actual definition, "a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

      It doesn't mention religion.

  2. tsm, Feb 11, 2021 at 6:11 PM. “whining atheist buddies”

    Damn you are hostile tsm and to think you were created in your God’s image. That’s not a good picture. As a self-styled student of philosophy you should know reasoning critically with a burr under your saddle usually results in blather.

  3. thank you. that's a good one coming from someone who likes to post long lists of adjectives denigrating people that he doesn't like. as to whiny atheists: how many times have heard people of your persuasion complain of bad treatment at the hands of Christians and others? as to burrs and saddles you wouldn't know "critical thinking" if it bit you in the arse.

  4. Atheism is mostly indistinguishable from communism. Both advocate for the elimination of God and religion from public discourse, e.g. discussion, law-making, public policy, culture, education, tax treatment. Both advocate for the dissolution of the nuclear family and individual rights. As such, they are both enemies of God. Once atheists understand this, they will understand the tension they create with their activism.

    Not all religions are based on a deity. Some are purely based on philosophy or activism. They are not based on sin, morality, love of neighbor or love of God. Sin is simply the act of a human being which draws them away from God.

    So, there is no propaganda campaign against atheism. There is a battle. The battle is good vs. evil. Atheism recognizes no moral absolutes. Everyone is free to make up their own morality. That is what we see in the Democrat party, in BLM, in Antifa and elsewhere. Murder is wrong because it greatly offends God. God gave 10% of the Ten Commandments just for that one. Murder isn't wrong because Matt Noah thinks its wrong or if Matt Noah thinks it is morally acceptable. We see certain factions in BLM and Antifa that think murder is morally acceptable if it brings about the correct societal change. There is a battle. Choose God or the opposite.

    1. Matt-- "Both advocate for the dissolution of the nuclear family and individual rights."
      Do you have any documentation from atheists or from an atheist organization that says it "advocate(s) for the dissolution of the nuclear family and individual rights"? Or, did you just make that up?

    2. Sure, I'll provide links. But you have to do something for me first. Your background MO on this blog is to mostly disallow links for some reason. You need to assure me that for one year, starting today, that you will publish all my posts on your blog. If not, you will not benefit from my participation and certainly not my posting of the links you wish.

    3. I have repeatedly told Jon to look up the neo-Marxist pedigree of BLM, an outfit founded by two Marxist ladies. he probably never did take my advice. but if he had he would have found some leftist claptrap regarding the nuclear family (among quite a few other distasteful "'cancel culture" agenda items). it seems, however, that their views on the family have, as they say, been "deep sixed". I wonder why.

  5. Matt -- "..assure publish all my posts on your blog. If not, you will not benefit from y participation."

    I take it from that response, 1.) there is no evidence atheists promote the breakdown of the family unit and stand in opposition to freedoms and 2.) you have a highly inflated view of yourself and your participation on this blog.

    Most of the time when you do provide a "reference" it is one you yourself have not read. The references often support a view the opposite of yours. I was hoping you might have one that supported your outlandish view of what atheist organizations promote. Not the case apparently.

    1. I take it from that response, 1.) there is no evidence that any Democrat in the US Senate has an IQ over 50 and 2.) you cheated on your doctorate program decades ago and should return your Ph.D.

      Most of the time when you provide a "reference" it is from Bart Ehrmann because your love for Bart is unconditional.

      If the Holy Spirit wants to continue to give you opportunities to respond to God's love, it will be without any further intervention from me.

    2. "Your comment will be visible after approval." is the reason your blog is as popular as it is.

  6. Replies
    1. I always have a good day. :-)

      May your day be blessed and may the Holy Spirit draw you ever nearer. When you accept, you will always have a good day.


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