Non Denominational Churches Open the Way for Women as Preachers
Several denominations block women from being clergy. The decline in denomination numbers is providing an opening for new churches with new ideas. One change is the rise of female clergy. The way women navigate leadership in religion is very fascinating.
If their constituency is other women who believe only men should be preachers the "preacher" calls herself something else. I think that is what Billy Graham's daughter does. Such entrepreneurs can make a good living preaching, giving seminars and selling books and videos. They can be influential in the faith also.
Then there are women who flat out call themselves preachers. Besides those in liberal branches that accept readily women behind the pulpit are freelancing evangelicals such as the famous Paula White. White shouts her independence from the rules of conservative evangelicals. Her branch, the prosperity gospel, fits the entrepreneurship of running a church for profit perfectly.
It seems inevitable that other enterprising women will latch onto Paula White's business model. The decline of denominations opens the door for competitive non denominational free standing churches where a woman pastor can decide for herself to be the head pastor.
An example of the money to be made preaching is a husband/wife preaching team which owns a mega church in Florida. They are getting divorced. The wife is claiming half of what her lawyers think is $120 million of joint property. It includes a few homes and a Falcon jet airplane. Paula White also owned an airplane when joint pastoring with a former husband but lost it in bankruptcy.
While there must be some I've never seen a woman "healing preacher." Lots of males claim "the power to heal." Benny Hinn is the most prominent. It is amazing Preacher Benny has not filled his stage with Coronavirus sick people and healed them all. He seems to have stopped making any appearances but is selling videos.
The business part of Christianity is churning and changing just like the rest of society. Women are gaining ground.
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