Doing Propaganda in a Free Speech Country is Problematic

If there is an upside to being subjected to so much news, advertising and propaganda it is that we come to understand it better. Sometimes skillful people learn how to strike back and use it to their advantage. 

One group I don't like are far right politicians who lie a lot. They get on national TV because they know the rule in broadcast journalism is two sides need to be presented. That one side is lying is not as important as that both sides get on the air. The management of Sunday morning news shows is trying to figure out what to do about politicians who use their programming to lie. Many Republicans use their invitations to appear as a time to tell lies and not acknowledge true statements. Many are still claiming, for example, Trump won the election.

What is called the left has done something similar with the national anthem is played before most sporting events. It is widely acknowledged the Department of Defense pays professional teams to play this song because it is believed this helps support larger Defense budgets. It turns out Francis Scott Key, who wrote the National Anthem, had slaves and said terrible things about black people. Playing the National Anthem is to some Americans like displaying the Rebel Flag or playing the song Dixie.

Black, and now some white, athletes started taking a knee instead of showing respect by standing. Mark Cuban, a liberal professional team owner, decided not to play the anthem. His league officials ordered him to follow league rules and play it. Of course he was required to do so. It means players or fans who want to use this ready-made platform for their own liberal political statements will be able to continue doing so. That conservative owners want the national anthem played for their own propaganda and mercenary purposes has opened the door for contrary political statements.

Flying the U.S. flag is another tradition that is being used for other purposes. Decades ago many locations agreed to fly the flag representing Prisoners of War under the U.S. flag. Eventually, other groups wanted to use the flag pole for their issues. The most recent group is the gay, lesbian and transgender advocacy group in Minot, ND. Their rainbow flag flew recently to the consternation of some Minot residents. The lesbian member of the City Commission in Minot gave a reply to an angry citizen which went all over the world.

The lesson is using some public forum for your own advertising and indoctrination purpose may turn around and bite you.


  1. Jon, “Playing the National Anthem is to some Americans like displaying the Rebel Flag or playing the song Dixie.”

    Personally I’ve always preferred “America The Beautiful” to the “Star Spangled Banner”. Particularly now “America America - God mend thine every flaw - Confirm thy soul in self-control - Thy liberty in law” is more appealing than “And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air”.

    Hands down references to God are much more frequent in “America The Beautiful.” I think the phrase ‘And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."’ in verse four is the only direct reference in the National Anthem. I can tolerate all that in this case. Still “America America - [Let us] mend thine every flaw - Confirm thy soul in self-control - Thy liberty in law” works better for me.

    The author of “America The Beautiful”, Katherine Lee Bates has been described as a lesbian, feminist, Christian Socialist. No matter. Thankfully she delivered lyrics inspiring a patriotic American classic and in my opinion along with others, worthy of the label National Anthem.

    1. I prefer the French National anthem. it has spirit.

  2. a few questions/comments for Jon. what is your definition of propaganda? Is it anything, music, speech, teaching? anything that seeks to persuade/influence? or is it any dishonest attempt to persuade/influence, whether by lying outright, taking truths out of contest, bypassing the intellect through appeals to emotion, by flattery, by sophistic arguments. etc.? should lying then be banned from public discourse? if so, wouldn't the airwaves soon fall silent? do you have any thought out definition of the term propaganda? or is it merely an epithet to discredit any one or anything with which you happen to disagree? is the star spangled banner sung only to support the defense budget or is it sung because it has become a deeply rooted cultural tradition? what's wrong with Dixie, it's a rather catchy, harmless tune is it not? what is a right winger? am I a right winger by your definition of the term? do you not recognize the totalitarian implications of your comments?


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