New Supreme Court Does Not Deliver for Social Conservatives

Indiana is a state with deep political divisions. I read it has, or had, more Klu Klux Klan member per capita than any other. It was the first state where atheists successfully got a Ten Commandments monument removed from a local court house grounds. Even though its former Governor, Mike Pence, has gone the Washington things are still churning.

Indiana State Government did not want lesbian names on a child's birth certificate. This, of course, violated some religious principle. Couples took their case to court and won. The Supreme Court has consistently ruled in favor of equal rights in marriage. Now, with the newly appointed conservative judges, the thinking was it would now overturned a lower court ruling that favored of gay married couples. But, alas, the Supreme Court would not hear the case and lesbian couple's rights stand.

I'm sure conservatives will win some cases with this new court. However, in these matters where God has dictated the outcome according to true believers, it has failed them. It has not done away with either gay marriage or abortion. I realize more decisions are coming and something could change but certainly there is no signal yet there will be dramatic turnarounds.

I haven't been to law school but I've tried to win in Federal Court twice in my long life. Way back in the early 1970's a group of us tried to stop an airport expansion because it was against the law at the time the decision was made. The judge agreed it was against the law but that wasn't really important. He was a Nixon appointee. The other time it was over the Christian/Jewish Ten Commandments display still there on the City of Fargo mall. The Judge admitted if a new monument like that were proposed today it would be turned down. The decisions ultimately went against us because, paraphrasing, not enough people had complained over the years and we were not hurt in any important way. Both decisions were wrong in principle but, I have to admit, had a certain practical logic to them. 

My guess is this Supreme Court, like those before, will be something like my experience in Federal Court. There will be some principled logic, but practical considerations will also influence judges. I don't think it will overturn gay marriage or Roe.


  1. If a conservative thinks a government agency or a chartered association is going to step up to help them, forget it. Trump made the good faith effort to promote hydroxychloroquine. The AMA shut him down and made him a laughingstock. He unwittingly made the mistake of promoting a good therapeutic. It would have been better for him to stay out of the way so the AMA did not associate Trump with a successful therapeutic. I took it many years ago when deployed overseas. No side effects whatsoever. Now that the election is over, and it is perceived that Trump will not have a second term, the AMA has taken down its prohibition of hydroxychloroquine. How many people died at the hands of the AMA? Too many to count. Blood is on their hands for being "soldiers" for the corrupt.

    1. Henry Dec 15, 2020 at 7:50 PM. “The AMA shut [Trump] down and made him a laughingstock. He unwittingly made the mistake of promoting a good therapeutic.”

      Henry you are correct that hydroxychloroquine had therapeutic value in the treatment for malaria. It is also the case that many medications have “off label” therapeutic value. In the case of hydroxychloroquine some symptomatic relief from rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Its off label use against COVID-19 initially showed some promise but further study proved otherwise. My view is what made Trump a bit of a goofball was when he suggested injecting disinfectant as a treatment for the virus. I suspect his inability to ever admit error combined with his habit of overloading his brain with his mouth scrambled hydroxychloroquine with the disinfectant hexachlorophene and off the rails he went. If you feel hydroxychloroquine will help you fend off COVID-19 by all means have at it. That virus is a crafty, nasty, deadly beast. Slainté.

    2. "My view is what made Trump a bit of a goofball was when he suggested injecting disinfectant as a treatment for the virus."

      You actually skipped a beat on the official narrative. According to the constitutionally appointed news media, the official narrative is that Trump also said to inject bleach.

      Of course the official narrative from the village folks is completely out of context. He was sharing some research he indicated not complete at that time about sterilizing the body with light specifically UV light inside and outside of the body.

      Be careful of sources that twist the context that badly.

    3. Henry Dec 16, 2020 at 1:30 PM “Be careful of sources that twist the context that badly.”

      Oops! wrong disinfectant. Maybe Trump’s brain went hydroxychloroquine hexachlorophene bada bada BLEACH! I don’t know. Anyway injecting an OTC disinfectant, if it worked, would be cost effective and lethal to both the virus and the host. Please share your trusted sources so I can get the straight scoop.

  2. Roe will not be overturned in the near future. Roberts is held on a very short leash. I believe there is serious dirt on Roberts. He no longer has independence and is compromised. Coincidently, it is reported he made a trip to Epstein's island when it was in full operation.


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