Hoping for Progress in Human Rights in 2021

A minister in the Community Cosmopolitan Church is praying for progress in acceptance of LGBTQ people both in the U.S. and around the world. It seems to me some progress was made in 2020. I share his wish for more.

Among all the talk about "religious freedom" is the hidden message of more prejudice. It's not even hidden in many cases. This set of people wants the right to look down on and make life miserable for those they dislike. It is stated in the language of religion.

What such people don't understand is that there has been a flattening out of social structures in many ways. While the distribution of wealth and income has become less equal, less flat, the computer has given voice to grievances unequaled in history. It has become possible to form effective coalitions of resistance not possible in a previous time.

One bit of evidence has been the emergence of political influence of women. It is commonly thought women's votes were a big factor in the last election. The number of women in high political offices is increasing. While this doesn't spill automatically into more influence for gay people, atheists, minority races, etc. I think it presents the avenue available. Let's hope so anyway.

One tangible and verifiable place influence has flattened is in fund raising. The ability to raise lots of money for political purposes through small donations has become formidable. This ability is available to those who weaponize religion against groups such as LGBTQ but so far they have been less successful. 

All of us who watch and/or participate in politics know events do not move in a straight line. Both conservatives and liberals experience successes and failures. The election of Biden will birth complaints and dissatisfaction among his supporters about things that are still out of reach. 

I am grateful for all readers of this blog, supporters and critics. I wish for all a Happy New Year.


  1. Jon:"The election of Biden will birth complaints and dissatisfaction among his supporters about things that are still out of reach."
    That statement is a little presumptuous. The Biden folks still have a treble hook in their mouth with some 30# test FireLine reeling away. Although, John Roberts has his needle nose pliers out furiously trying to ease out that hook. His supporters never were really there en mass.

    Jon:"This ability is available to those who weaponize religion against groups such as LGBTQ but so far they have been less successful."
    The problem is that the gay agenda has done a superb job of not allowing distinctions. There is a huge difference between looking out and caring for gays and having to accept the radicalized gay agenda. The gay agenda ensures that the two are intertwined, so that if their radical doctrine is not accepted, then one MUST be a hater of gays. That is BS.

  2. Jon:" It is commonly thought women's votes were a big factor in the last election."

    Jon, maybe you have a valid point. Hunter Biden was furiously working with the young female population. If they are not of age to vote, maybe he has their vote secured for the next election. I am curious how last night went for him.


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