Gender Prejudice and Racial Prejudice go Together in Christianity

All U.S. denominations today declare they are against racial discrimination. Lots of them, however, still discriminate against named groups. This continued discrimination needs to stop for Christianity to remain relevant. A couple of big remaining discriminatory practices are against women and gay people. 

The Bible's orders for wives to obey the husbands is found in the same book, Ephesians, as orders for slaves to obey their masters. To say the faith treats women with respect while condemning them in the same manner as slaves is a phony argument.

Now that Trump has been defeated is a good time for the various denominations that discriminate to fess up and change. We can leave behind the debate about whether or not Trump is a racists. In the same way we can leave behind the old saw that since Jesus had only male disciples the leadership of the church must reside with males. The latter is stuff from the Middle Ages. The time for making amends was many decades ago. Doing it now is better late than never.

Several branches of Christianity, Catholic and Protestant, have in their documents that women cannot be clergy. Many declare gay clergy cannot serve as clergy. I don't know what this can be called except discrimination. 

An even more widely anticipated discrimination is coming if so called "Religious Liberty" advocates have their way. They want to use religion as a cover of their prejudices that deny housing to unmarried couples, mixed couples and gay people. They want to deny medical services and prescription drugs to these same groups. Many who sell pharmaceuticals, including some pharmacists, want the right to not provide birth control or abortion drugs to women. 

I'm sure many advocates of discrimination against women in the clergy do not think of themselves as prejudice. They think of themselves as merely religious. It is time to set aside foolish logic passed down from centuries ago and see the world in a more realistic way. Every gender and race should have equal opportunity.  


  1. You know, when you really think about it, a lot of those Christians aren’t very, well, Christian.


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