Argentina's Lower House Approves Abortion
Slowly countries around the world who have held abortion to be illegal are making it legal. Ireland and Chile made this move and now Argentina is getting closer.
In these countries, abortion has been common even though it was illegal. It could be attained if a woman had money for a private provider or, in the case of Ireland, could go to England. Young women who were poor and who lived in rural areas had the least access. Those who run the countries have come to see how ridiculous it is to have a law which anyone with money can circumvent and anyone without money cannot.
Even the history of abortion in the U.S. followed this same path. Before Roe abortions were available in some states but not in others. Women with enough money could travel to get abortions, others were stuck with dangerous and unwanted births. I know women in Fargo who traveled out of state to get abortions before Roe. One went to New York.
While we have seen states in the U.S. tag ridiculous requirements for abortions, hospital admitting rights for physicians, forcing women to watch ultra sounds and making staff read false information about the "dangers" of abortion it is not clear whether this is a movement toward more restrictions on abortions. I don't see how the Supreme Court can overturn Roe and put women in many states in a serious bind. The trend in other countries certainly is toward more abortion rights. It would not be unreasonable to conclude the election of Biden/Harris was for abortion rights.
To me, it all comes down to what part of abortion we are going to talk about. The anti abortion part of our population wants to talk about the fetus. The abortion rights part, like myself, wants to discuss how pregnant women can maintain the full rights of a free citizen if they are subject to monitoring by law enforcement and suspected of criminal behavior when they experience a miscarriage.
Whatever the larger implication of this political change in Argentina, it is potentially good news for women there.
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