Anti Abortion is Killing Christianity

If we take conservative religious leaders in Christianity at their word, the Trump/Biden political contest was about abortion. Trump was for making abortion harder to get, Biden the opposite. By endorsing Trump the evangelical community was saying, "A political leader's personal moral standards don't matter. What matters is his/her views on legal abortion."

At the same time, Christianity continues to sell its self as the source of moral values. If one were a disinterested observer the question asked would be, "How can Christianity call itself the original source of moral values when it endorses this man who lies and cheats on his wives? Further, why would it not endorse a man who does not do these things?"

This leads us back inevitably to abortion. It has become the only moral measurement of politicians, the only reason many Christian leaders to endorsed Trump.  That's what they said publicly. And, it explains why surveys show the majority of young people today believe it is possible to have sound moral values without being a Christian. Perhaps some think avoiding Christianity leads to higher moral ground.

Those who make their living off of anti abortion politics, of course, don't care about their negative impact on the faith's numbers. Their numbers have $ in front of them.  The anti abortion gravy train needs to keep moving for money to keep coming in.

It would be much smarter, at least as I see it, for conservative Christians to simply pledge not to have abortions themselves and stay out of electoral politics. When leaders start deciding which horse to ride they are leaving the outcome on politicians they cannot control. Verbal support against abortion does not automatically translate into a sound moral leader. 

I've not seen conservative churches follow up in any meaningful way their problem of being seen as of something other than high moral standards. Now would be a good time to change their ways. 


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