Some People Feel Guilt When They Can On Longer Believe
There is an atheist columnist who fields questions from other atheists. These include letters from those who only recently realized they could no longer stomach the doctrines and myths of the faith. Sometimes these writers feel guilty about not believing and think they will lose everything in their lives because of it.
This mirrors my own experience of being (formerly) well known and being an atheist. Those who realize they can no longer believe sometimes are faced with a multitude of complicated issues. It can be with their spouse, their parents, their friends and their jobs.
I've known many married atheists who dare not tell their spouses. Many, of course, do not dare tell their parents, siblings or co workers. In fact, when atheists get together this problem of who they can and cannot share with is a most frequent topic of conversation.
When I was President of Red River Atheists and Freethinkers we met monthly in Fargo. Because the group had been started by professors and people with intellectual bents the programs were presentations about myths, history and theology. Afterwards there was discussion and some social time. When I left the group was having trouble maintaining members and now, I understand, no longer meets. Where I now live the group has always focused on the need for comradery and social support. It remains quite large and better serves the needs of people isolated in other parts of their lives.
I wish there was a magic way to help lift feelings of guilt and uncertainty when people leave behind ideas from the Middle Ages. Once ideas of gods and lives after death are imprinted on children it takes a period of clear thinking to dislodge them.
There are signs of hope, however, in the growing numbers of people who come up with their own unique versions of religion. Be recognizing the power of one's individual mind to resolve mysteries of life one is freed from the propaganda of self serving Christian denominations.
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