Pro Life Evangelicals for Biden

It was encouraging to read of important evangelicals who will be voting for Candidate Biden. Why would they vote for Biden? For very logical reasons.

While they value fetuses, they also value humans who are already born. This is different than either the official Catholic position or that of other "pro-life" evangelicals. While those in the anti abortion industry often say they value humans after they are born their politics tells us they do not. They do not lobby for better education, health care or women's rights. They lobby against government except when it can be used to put their religious views into law. An example is abortion.

The message in the link explains there are many policies that either shorten or lengthen human life. This entire package of issues needs to be considered together by evangelicals the author says. Picking out only one, anti abortion, is not to be "pro life."

The link author is a Protestant. His position sounds just like some in the Catholic faith. I recall a conversation with a young priest in Fargo years ago. He, also, said abortion is an issue that needs to be considered in a package with food, health and general well being of people.

Republicans such as Trump have been very skillful at putting together combinations of single issue voters. Recently he has been appealing to "suburbs" by saying he does not favor people moving into suburbs when those already there do not like them. That, to most people, implies black people. Republicans have held onto positions against gay people because there are single issue voters against gay marriage. And anti abortion has a trove of single issue voters. 

Anti abortion voters should pay attention to the arguments of pro-life evangelicals for Biden. If Trump gets beaten, especially if he gets beaten badly, those single issue voters who supported him will have no seat at the table. There will be a place, however, for pro-life evangelicals for Biden.


  1. Jon,

    Refreshing to read about evangelical leaders with a “biblically balanced” agenda trying to reshape the pro-life mission from the narrow focus on embryo and fetus to affirming “the sanctity of human life from beginning to end.” Based on many of the comments to the article on the site these evangelical leaders are going to have an uphill battle. Some say Biden and his godless liberals, if elected, will go on a baby killing rampage. A comment from the sites “Administrator Account” tried to temper the storm; “No political party or leader is perfect or reflective of God's ideal. But abortions have gone up or stayed level under every GOP President since Reagan and gone down dramatically under every Democratic one. At some point we have to look at outcomes and what actually works.” The personhood of a fertilized egg propaganda by the anti-abortion crowd has been effective. However for me, when I ask for chicken salad, don’t bring me egg salad.

  2. The fallacy promoted by pro-abortionists like Jon and Ardy is that pro-life people only care about pre-born life. Simply put, nothing could be further from the truth. The myriad teachings, organizations and ministries regarding the seamless garment from conception to natural death is a uniquely Christian practice. Churches United for the Homeless, food pantries, hospital visitation ministries, nursing home ministries, Food For the Poor, etc. are all examples of such ministries.

    Ardy, your abortion stats are false. I checked.

    Chicken salad vs. egg salad? Is that the best analogy you have? Not veal or steak? Is that how you refer to the serious issue of killing babies in the womb?

    The con game does not win the day for Democrats. Cheating is the only tool in their play book that works. Importing illegals to vote is cheating. Ballot harvesting is cheating. Now, flooding the country with ballots mailed TO people who never requested them and who may not even exist is happening. Disenfranchising military ballots is hardly 'thank you for your service.'


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