Prejudice is Still Allowed Against Atheists

The walls which have prevented people from many different minorities and "outside" groups from participating in community life have crumbled. We have had a black President, women are on the verge of becoming President, gay people are accepted in politics and Jews are not on the outside like they have been for much of our history. At the bottom of the list of acceptability is one group, atheists. Whether it's who you would never vote for or which category you would be most unhappy about if you child announced a marriage prospect, it is thumbs down for atheists.  

We all know the myths about atheists. They have no moral grounding. Thus, a country run by atheists would be one of murder and mayhem. Atheists are cannibals. Atheists are witches.

Other countries have elected none believers to posts of Prime Minister and the like. Only here in the U.S. is there such determination to keep them out of public office.

At least one study showed that atheists are under represented in jails and prisons. Christians are over represented. There is no evidence that atheists are other than good and patriotic citizens.

The pandemic has illustrated the folly in believing people of faith, especially Christians, are more responsible than non Christians. Christian churches have been determined to meet even though science has shown it is very risky. Atheists weren't meeting before so they were not part of the problem. Foolish behavior is associated more often with Christians than with atheists.

Religion is not the only cause of war but it seems to push countries toward war. President W. Bush prayed a lot before invading Iraq. If there really were a god he/she would have known the outcome and told him not to do it. 

Our country and all others need the best people of any race or religious view to move into it leadership. Hopefully, one of these days our President will be an atheist. 


  1. Jon,
    It is as yet political suicide to self-identify as atheist but crypto-atheists have obviously made it to the presidency by prudently giving Christianity a tender side hug. Lately, single issue hold-the-nose Evangelicals have verified the utility of that tactic. Could it be its effectiveness affirms the faith is actually godless? Quack and quack.

  2. my tear vile Petronius. so sad: such bad times for poor persecuted atheists. as to atheistic office holders, I think that we have many such. functional atheists, that is: folks who may think of themselves as Christians or something of that sort but who think and behave as atheists. BTW, a bit of advice: get off the kick about how poor atheists are misunderstood, maligned.

    1. apologies, I meant vial not vile. Freudian slip?

    2. Unknown October 7, 2020 @ 9:01 AM, “who think and behave as atheists”

      How do atheists think and behave?

    3. you can find the answer to your question by looking around you. so many business, political and personal decisions, political policies and the like are made without regard to any religious belief, without reference to God. if you are at all familiar with international relations you know that, contrary to your views, that there are very few truly "religious" conflicts/relationships. some, of course, have a religious aspect but most, fundamentally, are utilitarian/secular - economic, geographic, ethnic, nationalistic and so forth. most public policy conflicts, ditto. and, as should be obvious, there are decisions/outlooks that have nothing to do with religious or moral principles of any sort. as in which side of my morning toast should be buttered. or whether I should drink my coffee black or with cream. as usual, this is a very cursory response to your question.. nevertheless, I hope that you do get the point.


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