"Dear Religion, your time is fading fast."
This was the title of an essay submitted by a 20 year old student to the annual student essay contest sponsored by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. When I read these essays each year I am amazed at what students have to say. The young woman won $3,500 for her effort. I'll pass along some of what she wrote:
Dear Religion--It has always amazed me there are people...too fascinated and star struck by your promises of answers, salvation, divinely defined purpose, and an escape from the harsh reality of death to realize you are harmful as well. I'll admit people have been helped through tremendous atrocities. I'm not denying that. You're just slapping your label on projects you did not create. The capacity to do good and survive our struggle is already within us. Religion as been used as an excuse for suffering and horrid acts and it doesn't sit well with me for you to only take credit for good works.
It has always surprised me that you can cause so much needless harm, guilt, self-loathing and hatred in your followers, yet they continue to love you like gaslighted and brainwashed victims love an abusive partner.
It terrifies me that to survive, you depend on impeding free thought and inquiry. It's sad that when asked a difficult question your only real response is the have faith and believe in something despite the lack of any logic or real evidence in your favor. You stand so proudly in the way of science, education and the overall advancement of humanity because you know that the more people use their critical thinking skills the less you matter. The more we learn about the world around us the smaller the gap you can fill. The more we learn to love ourselves and others and and to show kindness and compassion for one another, the better life gets for everyone, and the more you ability to control and restrict freedom is diminished.
Freedom dies in theocracy.
Your lifelong questioner
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