Why Do People Go To Church
The link, written by a non believer, pokes fun a preacher who tells us why people should go to church. It is apparent he is talking about his church in particular. He says if an atheists enters a church filled with people speaking in tongues he/she will be so impacted by the Holy Spirit they will instantly convert. I wonder if the same holds true for a Unitarian who sees people speaking in tongues? And, are lots of people converted by watching a preacher handle snakes? Have my doubts.
This preacher also says to attend a church service is to experience a little of what heaven is like. If heaven is like a church service a large part of the public will not be interested in either.
A few years ago the Barna Group asked teenagers why they are leaving the church in such large numbers. Surveyors got an earful. Teens said church was boring, taught outmoded sexuality, rejected science and rejected those who were troubled because of depression of other mental problems.
This gets us to asking why people do attend church. Surveys have heard reasons like habit of community tradition, to fit in, out of duty, fear of what God might do if they skip, for the sake of their children, to make mom and dad happy and for business connections. Of course many go for religious reasons also.
Religious sites have many articles these days about what will happen to churches during these time of Corona virus and afterwards. One has to think it a person was not enjoying church this long hiatus will be an excuse not to attend when it is over. Also a year of 10% unemployment will reduce revenue. Yet lots of churches will survive no doubt.
Once one has left the church, it is hard to understand why he/she once went there.
I go to church (Mass) to participate in the sacrament of the Eucharist, praise and worship God, pray the greatest prayer, recite the Creed, listen to scripture and do all of this with my fellow Catholics.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, the satanists lost big in Missouri, 3-0 Appellate Court ruling on abortion - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/11/court-dismisses-satanists-challenge-to-abortion-law/
One of the 3 judges wrote that Doe’s claim is problematic because “a state does not establish religion by passing a law that just happens to coincide or harmonize with the tenets of some or all religions.”
I submit this just blew up Jon's purpose for his blog.
I attend Divine Service (when two or more are gathered in His Name), to thankfully RECEIVE both the body and blood in the Sacrament, as revealed in the words of institution, participate in the liturgy, hear the applied word provided through the lectionary with my fellow Universal Christians.
ReplyDeleteI submit; none of the reasons to attend church in the link are legitimate, and all ignore "The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel."