The Strategy of Justice John Roberts

The cyber world is full of articles praising Chief Justice Roberts and demonizing him. In my opinion, this is the best analysis out there explaining what he is all about.

While I'm not a lawyer one can somewhat read into a judge's mind what is going on there. I think I see the Chief Justice sizing up a new role in decisions. He realizes that with the new appointees there is a majority that does not like abortions. He also sees, however, making up reasons for stopping abortions that are false or outright lies is not justification enough to ban them. The other conservative judges don't seem to care what the reasons are for banning abortions, the important thing is the ban.

Anti abortion operatives have been operating on the theory abortions could be stopped by a thousand tiny wounds. That is, adding more and more requirements, more doctor visits, more ultra sounds and more travel would make abortions to bureaucratic and paper work burdened to continue. Judge Roberts' opinion said, in effect, you can keep bring these little harassments to the courts but don't try to ban abortions with just one of them.

Trying to argue a clinic is not safe because a doctor is not on the staff of a local hospital is simply a lie. Abortions have a stellar history of success and the tiny number of times a patient has needed to be hospitalized the patient has received good care. There is no medical reason a doctor who performs abortions needs to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.

The link author summarized Roberts requirements for future anti abortion cases as you folks need to lie better. Come up with better lies and I might be able to help you.

The 24 and 48 hours waiting period which has no medical reason has been run up the flag. Now the requirement for doctor admitting privileges with no medical reason has also come and gone. Maybe women should be required to read the entire Bible before getting an abortion.


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