Shameless Self Promotion (of me)
Our granddaughter did a short ballet program in the parking lot of the building my wife and I live in. The local press covered the story and if you are interest here is a link. I'm the very old guy watching from our balcony.
Thank you, Joseph.
ReplyDeleteVery nice. It's a blessing to bring joy to others, especially in these times. You should be proud of her gift and the fact she shared it for free. Aren't you happy her mother chose life.
ReplyDeleteMatt--"Aren't you glad her mother chose life."
ReplyDeleteThanks for the first part of you comment. I am indeed proud she did this for people here. In our building is a blind man in his 70's. He wrote on the building list serve that he and his wife with normal vision visited with her afterwards. He asked her what she was wearing. She described her tutu and invited him to touch the lace fridge so he could "see" how it looked. He was reluctant to do so with the distance requirements but did and appreciated the new knowledge about ballet he could not see.
As to you reference to abortion, I'm glad she did not encounter the most aggressive abortionist in the world, God. God hates fetuses. He kills between 750,000 to 1,000,000 every year just in the U.S. If there is a God and he/she is all powerful and all knowing it follows that he/she is responsible for every abortion not performed by a doctor. In fact, God has to be pleased with Doctors who perform abortions because it takes care of fetuses he/she does not have to kill.
In case you forgot , we all die, sooner or later. God must then hate people in general. and since all people die, then then it's Ok for us to kill others. so much for laws against homicide. hope that you can appreciate my pointing out the implications of your "logic" in your post.
DeleteUnknown "In case you forgot, we all die, sooner or later."
DeleteThat's brilliant. No one else here knew that. Apparently you cannot defend the god you worship that aborts fetuses (as many as a million a year). Hope that you can appreciate my pointing out the implications of your "logic" in your post.
silly, silly. you missed my point by a mile. if God kills fetuses, then it's Ok for us to kill them as well. if God kills us all, then it must be OK for us to kill people as well. I mistakenly thought that even you might get the point.
DeleteWhat's the matter Jon? Was my post too thought provoking to print?
Deletewhat we have here is the old question, viz: why does a good God cause/permit suffering? the default response is, obviously, that there is no god, just nature. and nature is indifferent to all its creation, to suffering, death, survival. that leaves us, as rational creatures that nature somehow burped up, with a survival instinct that goads us into fighting nature (through medicine or whatever "works"). which is to say, some version of utilitarianism/pragmatism. from there we, then, have to admit that mankind has no dignity, save what we, collectively, might attribute to us. I hope that Jon will acknowledge this comment.
DeleteAren't you glad her mother chose life? Yes or No?
DeleteHumans don't control everything. Currently, a mother - not fathers - control whether a child lives or dies prior to birth.
In my world, God exists. Therefore, the spontaneous abortions are those which happen the course of nature. They are neither caused by God or happen despite God's will. God allows for the death of every person conceived.
In your world, God doesn't exist, i.e. you believe He doesn't exist. Either you are right or I am right. More to the point, either you are right or billions of people with traditions, scriptures and a nation of scholars and theologians are wrong. Therefore, the spontaneous abortions are caused by nature.
So, there you have it. Spontaneous abortions are not nearly the same as elective abortions. If they were, then dying of natural causes would be the same as being murdered by a shotgun blast from an enemy.
Your amateur attempt at theology is glaring.
Matt "Your amateur attempt at theology is glaring."
DeleteAnd yours? Let's see if I can follow. God is all know, all powerful and loves us. A million fetuses die every year, just in the U. S. There are only two rational conclusions. One is that God in not all powerful. The other that God likes to kill fetuses.
Unknown "What we have here is the old question."
DeleteThank you for a long essay on how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. In writing and reasoning I prefer, keep it real.
You need to have you acknowledge God kills fetuses. If God is all powerful what some call "nature" is just God calling the shots and creating the illusion it is something else.
Jon: "Let's see if I can follow." "God is all know(ing), all powerful and loves us." Yes, you are correct. "A million fetuses die every year, just in the U.S." Your point is a lot of fetuses die each year in the U.S. I agree. "There are only two rational conclusions." No, there are many more than 2. "One is that God in (is) not all powerful." That is not a rational conclusion but let's say it is for the sake of argument. If he's not all powerful, then you violated the first assumption you made. "The other (is) that God likes to kill fetuses". Again, that is not a rational conclusion but let's say it is for the sake of argument. If he is all powerful and likes to kill fetuses, the human race would be done before it started. Also, His Son, Jesus Christ, was created by God as a fetus in Mary's womb. He was born. God did not kill Him. Since, as you state, God likes to kill fetuses, he was sad when Jesus escaped His happiness in killing Him.
DeleteYou've convinced me there are more than 2 rational conclusions.
First, I agree with your 2 assumptions. Let's call them facts. But let's lump all those unborn babies, i.e. fetuses, with the rest of His human creation on earth. Every year, a lot of people die on earth. In your warped point of view of the God you don't believe exists, your God must/should wipe out pain, suffering and death. Only if He does that will He measure up to your standards. That is not a Christian viewpoint of God!
We can live pain-free forever only after death, in Heaven. Or, we can choose an eternity of pain burning in Hell.
Our of the countless ways God could have chosen to bring about life on earth, He chose something which still holds mysteries to humanity. What of pain? What of suffering? Why do children die of disease or in war? Why are some of us born blind? Is sickness or deformity a punishment for sin? Is there a 'prosperity gospel'? Countless questions and some very good answers, if you're willing to research, learn and be open to the Holy Spirit calling you.
Aren't you happy her mother chose life?
Matt--You say I make assumptions like "he is all powerful." I did not make that assumption. You and others who believe such stuff did. And, if God likes to kill fetuses, which he does, why would anyone be alive? Well, maybe God doesn't get around to killing everyone but would like to. Or, maybe God thinks the world is over populated and kills enough to maintain balance. This post was just about as funny as your previous one where you said God is all powerful except for nature. Miscarriages are nature and an all powerful God can't do anything about nature?? Laugh my ass off.
Delete"That is not a Christian viewpoint of God!" What? God is not all powerful and all knowing and loves us! You need to study your faith more.
None of your efforts to avoid what the scholarly priest I quoted in my March 25th blog called the "inconsistent triad." He said it is unsolvable. The faith needs to go elsewhere he suggested, like Jesus. In the end, you have admit your God loves to kill fetuses, up to a million a year in the U.S. You can run but you cannot hide.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute by your granddaughter Lily to you, Mrs. Lindgren, your extended family, your neighbors, her community, and her art. Beauty is in the beholder sighted or not.
beauty is in the "eye of the beholder". seems it follows that there no real difference between lawn kitsch and the Parthenon. beauty is whatever we think that it is?
DeleteUnknown April 4, 2020 at 9:41 AM
DeleteOh my! You “see” beauty. You “think” beauty. Once you “feel” beauty you become more than a living corpse. Some can’t.
Thank you, Ardy.
ReplyDeleteJoseph April 3, 2020 at 11:01 AM
ReplyDelete“What a blessing that is for you guys as Grandparents.”
Joseph welcome. You and I are likely on opposite ends of the discussions that occur here but you recognized that this topic was about a special personal moment our host shared with us all. You honored it for what it was. Thanks.